Thermometer arrived today


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
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:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :cheer:

It's only a Celsius one as I couldn't find a Fahrenheit but I'm going to start temping tomorrow :cheer:

I take it there's no reason not to start with 9 days till AF? I know it won't show me anything but I'll get the practice at least....?

Any tips I should know? I am going to do it as soon as I wake up. It has a 'store' function so the next time I switch it on it displays my last temp which is good as I can't read the display in a dark room with sleep-encrusted eyes :lol:

Any tips?
Oh, plus I am suffering from some mammoth insomnia at the moment which will probably affect readings (getting 2hr sleep-bursts :() but last night slept for about 4 in a row so FX I'm getting back to normal. Do you have to adjust temp for sleepless nights?

Thanks ladies x
Hope you get on ok with it. I always have interrupted sleep from hubby getting up or dogs jumping on the bed so it's pointless me temping!

As long as you take it as soon as you wake up and not before you've moved....unlike me who got up, showered, had a cuppa haha :lol:
:lol: d'oh!

It even has 2 different tones - fast beep for temperatures over a 'peak' number (can't remember offhand what number) and a slow beep for those under the peak. Clever little tyke :clap:
Oooo, that's very clever :clap: Mine just takes my temp, nothing fancy.

How was it looking today? Are you plotting your temps on fertility friend?

good luck hun :pray:
Yay! Can't wait to start 'really' stalking you. :D

Don't adjust your temp if you can help it; it doesn't really paint an accurate picture of what's going on. Just do the best you can, and you'll eventually figure out how your body works in general with regard to sleep patterns as well as other stuff (how much you've had to eat, what you wore to bed, how well you slept, etc). :hug:
What i wore to bed?! nothing!! at least i'm consistent.

Well I am the proud owner of one graph point :dance:

I have no idea if it's high/low/medium as I don't know what my body did the rest of the month but there you go - it's a start :lol:

OH was wondering what the heck was going on this morning when the thing started beeping. It certainly didn't sound like our usual alarms! :lol: :oops:

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