There is life in the old dog yet!:)


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2007
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Hi Girls

Thank you for texts I have had and pm's. Some of you would have read about my current troubles in the adult section a few weeks ago. Happy to report, things are looking up. So, hoping to put that particular chapter behind me :D

Finally added my birth story!! he is only 4 weeks old :rotfl: Feels like a lifetime ago! Will add pics to it later when laptop decides its playing.

Miss you girls :hug: . Have missed soooo many births while staying off the forums :(

Congratulations to all I have missed :clap: :clap: :clap:

Dexter is doing great. Tyler loves him to bits.

Hope to catch up with you all as soon as possible.

Feel free to PM me anytime if you have a mad craving to talk to a crazy brummie :rotfl:

Sophs xxx :hug: :hug: :hug:
Ahh brilliant! Off to read it now.. :cheer:

Hope you're ok and I'm glad things are looking up :hug:

Aww bless Tyler, I bet he's a brill big bro!! (Tongue twister!!)

:hug: Nice to have you pop back here in tri 3! xxx
i must say it has been really weird u not being on here...

Go on... Stuff a pillow up there and pretend to be back in 3rd tri tehe

Hellooooooooooo. I was wondering how things are going. Glad to hear it is all looking up. :hug:
Aww fuffins you are definitely missed hun :hug:

Glad Dexter is keeping you busy and that things at home are looking up :cheer:

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