I'd make it a lot harder to recieve benefits - although actually I'd be doing myself out of a job (no - hold on - they'd just get to me earlier

) and make jobseekers only available for 6 months then no reclaiming for 2 years and no other benefits either.
I'd fine irresponsible parents - they would pay for every bit of policing time, clean up time and teacher time that their child cost. I'd also charge adults for police time used to deal with them - the true cost of having to deal with drunk, disorderly and antisocial behaviour. When getting into a drunken argument would cost you £500..you'd think again. And no £2 a week pay back either - bailiffs would be straight in if you didn't have the cash.
Then take all this money - put it into community facilities, localised health care including fitness and localised child care. Provide cheaper housing and reward those who benefit the community in some way