The Ten-Day Marathon!


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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When my wife and I were trying to conceive last August, we had sex for ten days straight over the time of her ovulation.

Sounds good on paper, but by day 3 I was flagging!!

What's the extent you've gone to to get pregnant?
ha ha....I love it!!! U men r always saying u'd like it every day and then when we say ok....

We're TTC again - both been ill this month tho so will be trying properly again from next month (unless we got really lucky this time round of course!!). We tend to aim for every other day when we're trying
Same! We DTD 10 days straight too. Hit the jackpot first month though ;)
You did well to keep trying for ten days then. Girls flag too, believe me :lol: We got started about 5 days after AF, just in case, but when you're tired and hectic not every night's possible. It only takes the one encounter tho!
Let me tell you, by day six, after bonking through a heavy cold and toothache, I was about ready to give up!
im at it everynight for last 2months and im still not preggo!!
i think im a nympho (oh dear)
my OH kinda loves it when i get af, he gets a break, but he dont want it to come cos he wants a baby x
it's our first month and we went away 1st march and it was at least 2 a day whilst away but have flagged when we got to Sunday!
just dont have the energy for all that!!! I agree, sounds good on paper but im sure you just lose the novelty. Mind you by tomorrow it will have been a week for us, its just as ridiculous the other way!!
First month every other day, last month every day but poor husband was saying that his bits felt like Id been rubbing them with sandpaper lol so was glad of the rest for a few days....intending on going for gold this month and every day again....will see how many days we get to this month as only managed 9 last month!! good to get a blokes view tho so thanks and good luck !!
from 26th Febuary till today .. and still going till AF shows is that bad?
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Twice with Rosie and twice with this one - preggers first time both times! Just very fortunate I guess :)
The first time we were on holiday in Canada for 10 days and were at it like rabbits and came back pregnant, unfortunately miscarried at 6 weeks, had my next AF then we DTD 3 times and bingo got pregnant again ...OH had a really bad cold too second time round but we still managed it!!
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I'm trying the 10 days straight this month, I'm on day 7 today and got my positive OPK today so 3 more days of BDing.
I can honestly say I'm knackard now but deturmined to follow it through.

Fingers crossed for a BFP this month.
I tried the 10 day marathon but it didnt turn out as planned.

Turns out OH was too tired some of the nights (not like him, that's usually my excuse) but we have definately BD more than other months. Managed to BD on 17th, 18th, 20th, 23rd, 26th, 27th and 28th so think we have covered our bases.

I ov'd on 26th or 27th so hope one of the little spermies found its way...

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