The shed arrived!!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2007
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Didn't know where to post this as its a bit random but Brads shed finally arrived on Saturday and was erected in the garden!!!

Its so big, i am most impressed, plus the whole point of buying it was so he could get his gym equipment out of the room we are turning into the nursery. So today some of his guys from work are going back to my house to lift all the heavy stuff into the shed.

I am straight off shopping tonight to get a lovely carpet now that we can finally finish the babies room!

ow sounds nice

How big is it? and if you dont mind me asking how much it cost.

We are moving next week and need to get a shed & had to be big for oh pool table ect... have no idea how much i am looking at

14' x 10' and it was £1200 (bit of a bargain as Brad is friends with the owner of the company). So worth it though, I have always wanted his gym stuff out of the house and it completely frees up a room. We had considered converting the loft but the floor wasn't strong enough to hold all his equipment. That would have been about £10,000 to do :shock: so the shed seems like a real bargain!

NB. Forgot to mention it would have been cheaper if he didn't have four glass windows put in, but its right in view of the house so he tried to make it look more like an outbuilding than just a shed!
laetitia85 said:
you must be really excited!! show us some pics

I will update with pics tomorrow (note to self - must bring camera to work!), There might even be inside pics by then too!!! :cheer:

I am just looking forward to being able to post my nursery pics once its all ready :pray:

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