the PERFECT baked potato & perfect mash?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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i kno technically this is a baby nutrition question, but there might be some pregnant delia's or ttc-ing nigella's can help me lol

ok im a bit rubbish in the kitchen department, but i wanna make mash for melissa (which i will freeze in ice-cubes and defrost to add cheese/tuna/whateva) so coz its for my baby it must be THE BEST!

so for perrrrrrrrrfect mash- how do i bake the potato, and how much butter/milk/etc do i add?

thanx in advance :D
I know what you mean!!!!!

scrub potato clean, then prod it a couple of times with a fork, wrap in tin foil and place in lower part of oven, I normally do my potatos on about 180degs and depending on size of potato will take approx 45mins-1hr. when it's done it should be softish when you give it a squeeze

once cooked scape potato flesh from the skin and I still mix it with formula milk and a small bit of unsalted butter, depends how creamy or lumpy you want to make it on how much milk you use

I found that Matilda wont eat ordinary mash but she loves sweet potato mash.

happy baking!!!!!!
I would just peel some potatoes, cut them up into smaller bits, and boil them in a pan of water.
Once cooked, drain away the water, and start mashing with a masher.
Add some milk and unsalted butter (couldn't tell you how much, I just go by taste and consistency), and keep mashing until you get no lumps and the mash looks, feels, and tastes like how you want it to. You'll need to use a fork to get out the last lot of lumps.
Using a blender works best of course, but in case you didn't have one.
I find if I blend potato it goes all gloopy like glue :?

I boil potatoes, drain, mash with milk and butter and mash and mash and mash (hate lumps!).

I had a real thing for mashed potato when I was pregnant, could eat a big bowl of it plain for lunch :lol:
I would say to make sure you whip with a fork afterwards to get nice smooth mash.

I really fancy some now!!!
thanx ladies 8)

so, is it best to boil, rather than bake?
I've never baked to mash, but I can see that may produce a better mash than boiling I guess. Hmmmm, don't know, I'm going to stick to boiling though :)
For wicked mash....

Use King Edward Potatoes, peel and cut them up into halves or quarters, boil and then drain when they're cooked.

GFive the potatoes a good mashing. You can always put the saucepan on the floor with potatoes in (on a teatowel so you dont burn the floor) and mash like that if you want. The reason you put them on the floor is so you can really get your weight behind the masher and that means NO LUMPS!! :cheer: Then add milk, butter and get a wooden spoon and beat the milk and butter into the potato with the spoon. This makes the lushest, creamiest mash EVER! :D
cut the potatoes in half still with skin on and boil until soft, then put through a potato ricer :lol: saves all the hassle of pealing, as the skin stays in the ricer. then add milk and butter hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm total comfort food

there fab for all baby puree food.... ... to%20ricer
I've got a ricer but never tried to do them that way, thanks for the tip! Though it's a pain to clean out!!
yeah you just deal with that later :lol: i leave mine to soak in hot soapy water for an hour and its pretty easy, just hold under running water
I never have lumpy mash :shakehead: :wink:

I use King Edwards. Peel, cut in half (and half again if they are big), rinse in cold water a few times to remove the access starch then boil for approx 20 mins in water (no salt). When you can easily poke them with a fork and they are soft they are ready. Drain them well and give them a shake. Leave in same pan (keeps em hot) then place a folded tea towel on your worktop to stop marking your worktop and to stop the pan slipping then mash a little. Add a big knob of butter and a splash of milk or cream and mash till fluffy. Remember too mash doesn't have to be just potato's with stuff added, my OH makes wicked mashed swede and carrot with butter and black pepper, its lovely :)

Little tip to help kids eat their mash....when we were little my mum served our mash with an ice cream scoup so we had lovely neat little rounds of mash.


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