The Olympics


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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Now usually I LOVE the olympics, OH too as obviously he's interested in the South African team, 4 years ago we watched TONS of it, every evening!

I would usually be really looking forward to it but after the whole Bejing being knocked down and people losing their homes etc I feel it's tarnished it for me and I don't know if I will be as excited to watch it. I will probably get sucked in anyway, but I know in the back of my mind I will be thinking that where those swimming pools and athletics tracks used to be were hundreds of homes :?

Anyway, who will be watching it?
me :cheer: i love the olympics i like the track and field events the best and the swimming and diving i know what you mean about whats been going on beforehand but i will get sucked in i cant help it xxxxxxxx
i think every sport event is tarnidshed now what with drugs etc.
budge said:
i think every sport event is tarnidshed now what with drugs etc.

Ahh budge, our little ray of sunshine ;)
I'll be watching it and rooting for the USA! :lol:
If we do badly, I'll support the UK too :)
me me me i will be watching it - my family is into it big time - to the point that my mum has instructed that under no circumstances is baby to come during them!! although it would have been worse if it had have been during wimbledon - i wouldnt have seen my mum!!
JamieIsabella said:
I'll be watching it and rooting for the USA! :lol:
If we do badly, I'll support the UK too :)
:rotfl: No chance of the USA doing badly but quite likely the UK will do badly :rotfl:

Although saying that I'll still be suporting the UK's guys and gals out there :D

I love the olympics but DH hates sport so we argue for the whole event about it being on the telly constantly! Should be better this time as we moved last year from a 1 bed flat to a 3 bed house so he'll have more space to be able to get away from it this time.

I agree with the others that I'll start off with feeling the events been tarnished but will also get suckered in and spend every free moment watching :D
whooo hoooooo we just won the rowing gold, I love the rowing!!!
:dance: What a day so far!!! :dance:

Its a good job I have no life and stay in and watch :lol:
I've been totally suckered in - that and the fact that I can't move very well at the moment.

Have also been watching out for name ideas - did suggest Olympia to OH. He gave me this look... :shock: :?
I have been glued to the TV all day lol! And I think I have a sore throat lol :rotfl:
I could have cried for the poor girls rowing earlier! i was screaming at the TV. must be so heart breaking.

Am i the only person quite dreading 2012?! im scared its going to be really naff and the GB looks stupid infront of the whole world.
we're doing really well!!!

at least when its in london the events will be on at a decent time for us to watch, not bloody 3am, then you only get the highlights later
Have just watched the 400m final, how amazing was Christine Ohuruogu. Seren was there shouting "go Christine, you can do the run" lol. And we got a silver in the men's high jump too, am so proud of the British team!!!!
Lily just fallen asleep just as the 400m started how I managed not to shout I dont know. Ive been screaming at the cyclists all day :lol:

Missed the highjump though :shakehead:

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