I bought a HUGE bar of Galaxy chocolate last week and I thought it seemed to be going down pretty quickly, so I thought I had set a good trap by counting the squares that were left and then counting them again when I next went to the fridge for more of my choc fix
"I just KNOW I'll catch someone out..." I thought. So, I was counting the chocolate just now (because no-one was owning up) and my brother came in the kitchen and said, "what the hell are you doing?" so I replied "well as no-one is owning up I'm counting the squares" so I counted them, broke a bit off and came back to the lap top. He then came in and said "wouldn't it ACTUALLY work if you were to take a bit to eat, and THEN count?"
I am the chocolate thief!!!

"I just KNOW I'll catch someone out..." I thought. So, I was counting the chocolate just now (because no-one was owning up) and my brother came in the kitchen and said, "what the hell are you doing?" so I replied "well as no-one is owning up I'm counting the squares" so I counted them, broke a bit off and came back to the lap top. He then came in and said "wouldn't it ACTUALLY work if you were to take a bit to eat, and THEN count?"
I am the chocolate thief!!!