Thats it!


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
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since i was like 12 ive always dreamed of becoming a Midwife.

After having Ellouise im even more adament that im going to do it.

So this morning i rang up college to go on a an acess course, but there full :( gutted,

but im so determined.

I WILL start college next September.

Ive got all my UCAS forms coming. Im so excited :D
Yayyyyyy good luck going back in September too!! :cheer:
snap i am aswell.,

theres alot of us want to do midwifery aint there?
Thanks ladies! :D

I just had a phone call offering me an interview tomorrow to go on the access course THIS september.

They asked me were i was wanting to go on from this course, so i explained a degree in midwifery and they said that i would have to go next September. Something about Life sciences being essential and that course was full this year :( gutted...

Ah well, plan a! September next year im a stooooooooooooooooooodent again :cheer:
Im gonna do this toooo yay!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Ive always wanted to do this and got all my qualifications and entrance papers to go to do my training but i never went :wall: :wall:

Im looking into it and think i have to do the 2 years nursing first at hatfield college then straight into midwifery

im so excited :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
kayzee said:
Im gonna do this toooo yay!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Ive always wanted to do this and got all my qualifications and entrance papers to go to do my training but i never went :wall: :wall:

Im looking into it and think i have to do the 2 years nursing first at hatfield college then straight into midwifery

im so excited :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

kaye ask about Adult courses particurly entrance to HE...

its a year long..
I really wish I could have gone to college, It really upsets me that I never managed to do that one thing in my life Ive always wanted to do :( I cant afford to go now either. Oh well! Good luck though hun :cheer:
congrats on going for your dreams
I have always wanted to be a midwife but it is so hard to get into, so i have a cunning plan................ i have just applied for a job as a health care assistant in the delivery suite and hopefully after gaining some experience they will seconder me to do my degree failling that and i get the job am still gonna be sort of doing what i always wanted.

Pam xx
I was at Unit today (doing an additional course) and was thinking about being a mid wife.... it was a pretty boring day i have to admit. So what do you a think a Physiotherpist and a Midwife - guess i would never be out of a job and there would certainly be more job oportunities!!!!

Riley likes college or to sit on the table and have every1 go awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

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