
Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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..........STILL BFP!! :lol:

sorry girls, it hasnt sunk in yet and i get so exited. just received my ebay tests and had to make sure they worked Lol. (the tests were 2 weeks late! :shock: now i dont need them :wall: )
this morning i had a nasty email of my mum in England. i told her about the pregnancy and she is really p****d off she said that i break here heart only because we live in Canada now she said im taking her family away from her. so shes said her goodbyes and dosnt want apart of us anymore. :cry:
Yay for a bfp again!!
I'm sorry about your mum. I guess she finds it hard with you being so far away.
Maybe send her a few emails see if you can't win her round :)
your preggers ya daft woman - now and enjoy it and dont spew too much from morn sickness
Yay for your BFP again...... I've done a test everyday since I found out and still can't quite believe it when I see those two little lines.

so sad about your mum.....she's probably just feeling angry now and upset that she won't be a part of watching her daughter have a baby and see her grandchild as much as she would like to. Only talking from my mum's reaction but she's totally over the moon.....she's rang me every day 'just to see how I am' and she's already been looking at baby clothes!! I bet your mum is just updet that she's not going to be able to do that with you.

I think you should try and mail her again and re-assure her that even though you are in Canada you still want to be able to call on her for advice and reassurance (after all she has been through it all before) and that you will still need her support....even if it is on the end of an e-mail or phone call.

Hope you patch things up with her soon

:hug: :hug:
Congrats. I to did loads of tests to keep making sure!
Sorry about your mum, have you got a webcam? This way she could also see how your progressing with the pregnancy as well as talking. Its not the same by emails or talking on the phone.
If she hasn't got a webcam maybe send her one as a little present and say that you really want her to be apart of this to.
Good Luck
I was going to suggest that you give her some time to calm down (as I am sure she is just feeling sad that she cant be with you at such an exciting time) but then send her your bump pics (if you take one every week or so she can see how you and your PG are progressing - it might help her to still feel involved even though she is far away from you - the idea bout the webcam goes one better tho I suppose so its worth thinking about

I hope things work out ok with your mum but if not - you have a lovely family in Canada and another little one joining you so concentrate on the good things hun. :hug:
SO glad it's still a BFP!! Woo hoo! :cheer:

Sorry to hear about your mum. Although it must be AWFUL to do, I would personally just reply and say that you are really sad she feels that way and can't be happy for you right now but that you are going to have to leave her to come round to the idea that she has another grandchild on the way because you have a lot to focus on now (it's not your problem)...

...I say that but I probably wouldn't be able to leave it very long before begging her to be okay! It's horrible there being bad feeling when you are so far away from each other :hug:

I adore my mum and if we fell out I'd be beside myself... So my heart truly goes out to you on this one.

Good & bad news in one day huh... Hopefully it'll all sort itself out for you :hug:

Yay congrats again hun :D

Your Mum will come round :hug: Tell her to move over to Canada ;) I bet she just doesn't want to miss out on your new bubs and little Elle growing up :D
i have already emailed her saying im going to give her space, i made it quite clear i that i was upset with her.

im really worried please can somepne help..
i just went to the toilet as i felt a little wet. i had pink discharge and not just a tiny bit. its not red blood just discharge but i am really scared. im quite achey and freaking out! help please shal i call my doctor? :(
I would (sounds very normal though so please don't fret) just to put your mind at rest... Or call NHS on 0845 4647, real nurses answer and help with the call so they should put your mind at rest...

Call your docs but put your feet up also, resting normally gets rid of it. It could also be implantation bleed. Dont be too stressed ... Hope all is well, keep us updated..
First of all, don't panic :hug: Rest up like the other girls have said and give your doctor a call.

Are you actually cramping like an AF cramp? I think at 5 weeks it could just be your body clearing out the womb ready for your growing bubba :hug:

Let us know how you get on, I'll be thinking of you :hug:
:hug: :hug: Congrats on your BFP :hug: :hug:

Try not to worry about your symptoms. A lot of us here experienced slight bleeding around that time and it's usually implantation. I had quite strong stomach cramps too but all turned out well. :hug: :hug:
its stopped now it only happened once. im resting with a big bowl of food. yummm. i had a weird feeling about a inch to the left of the middle of my stomach (just below my belly button) is this implanting? x
Elle I still get cramps but they are sharp, sudden and dont last too long, they come and go and they have happened since Week 5. I have had 2 scans since then and all is well, it is basically our uterus stretching and when it does that we get sudden shooting pains but they are more like a cramp than a pain...

If it is constant and feels like Period Pains times 2 then precaution should be taken but otherwise we believe these are all joys of pregnancies...

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