tescos fast pay <3


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
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what did mummys do before they introduced the fast pay wit credit card at fuel pumps in tenco's!

that place is god...

i dread my petrol going low in an area were i dont know if there is a tesco petrol station!!!
Its brilliant isn't it I have one right around the corner from me so hopefully I will just get into a habit of always having petrol in the car unlike now where I wait until the yellow light comes on before refuelling. Cos what do you do with LO do you leave them in the car or take them into the garage with you?? I've been wondering about this since I got pg.
I love it too, such a brilliant idea, I wish all petrol stations had them :D
Tasha20 said:
Our ASDA has a fast lane pay one too :)

asda doesnt accept visa electron in fast pay :( when i used to live in preston i nearly broke down coz i was relying on that fuel station and they wudnt take my chuffing card and it was fast pay only! grr
our local asda is now getting bulit for a petrol station, i love the idea cos i hate leaving the kids in the car whilst i have to pay, scared in case someone breaks in and grabs them.. i kn ow to paronoid lol but i cant wait for the fast pay lane either...
I don't like using my debit card unless absolutely necessary because sometimes I go overdrawn that way without realising it. It's so easy to do.
I try not to get petrol unless DH is in the car with me, so then he waits in the car with Lydia whilst I go in and pay.

If I absolutely have to get petrol without him, I wait until I can see there is no queue in the shop, and then I make sure I have the exact money ready, so I can just run in, blurt the number at the guy/lady behind the counter, and throw the money at them.
(Whilst doing so I lock Lydia in the car).

When she was very little though we didn't have a car - we got one when she was about 6 or 7 months old. Before that we just used the bus.

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