Telling family.. *update ive told mum*


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2008
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Im not very far into this pregnancy (i dont think i am anyway, not sure yet) but i really want to tell my parents. I'm only 20 and im a student at uni away from home, so its quite important for me to tell my mum & dad.. So far, only my OH and close friends and housemates know..

How do you think i should tell them? any suggestions? i was on the pill, so this is gonna be one massive shock to them, as it was to me, and they dont have the 8 pregnancy tests to look at and get used to! ha. Well i dunno what to say, theyre on holiday at the momnt in Gran Canaria, and theyre back next Monday, so i was thinking maybe write a letter and post it to my house? no? too impersonal? should i call them? i dunno... i definitely dont wanna do it face to face!
unless you're planning to visit them in the very near future... i'd phone them..

in fact scap that and phone them first, but they will probably want to see you.

dont worry about it overly, my parents always suprise me with their love and understanding!

Definately dont tell anyone else that might have contact with them, they need to hear it from yo
I dont think a letter is the best way hunny! i think unless your planning to visit them anytime soon, ring them!

i regret the way i told my folks (they arn't together!) - my OH told my mum as i couldnt spit it out and i got my mum to phone my dad - i wish i had had the guts to tell them becuase they were fine about it, although dad was a bit upset i didnt tell him myself, so im guessing your folks will be upset with you if you only write a letter - its going to be a big shock for them anyway hun!

good luck :hug:
I am basically in the same situation as you, unplanned pregnancy, 20 and at uni away from home. I called my mum and told her like that. I'm really close to my mum so didn't really find it that difficult to tell her. I think a letter would be too impersonal tbh. Though I did get my mum to tell my stepdad as I didn't have the guts.

Don't worry about it too much, I'm sure their reaction will surprise you and they'll be supprtive. I say give them a call, get it over and done with to stop you over-worrying about it.

Good luck :hug:
I'm 19, got pregnant at 18 and telling my mum and dad was the hardest thing about being pregnant! they were a bit shocked but came to in the end! I dont think my mum would have wanted to get a letter!

Now Evie is here everyone loves her to bits.
hmm i think you're all right.. I'll ring her when she gets back from holiday on monday.. she is gonna be uber shocked.. at least i would have had my early scan by the hopefully.. siiiigh. will update then :)
:hug: :hug:
I am 20, I found out 2 days into my uni course (though it was local so i was still living at home, and still am now).

I told my mum over the phone... sounds strange but she was at work when i did the test so i called her a few hours later. I asked her if she was sitting down then i just said it. It was so hard to say but i immediately felt better knowing that she knew. I was on the pill too!

My OH told his mum by saying 'suzie's passed her test' his mum said 'what test' he said 'her pregnancy test'

It was rather amusing... i think we were both in shock at the time.. lol
hahaah babybee loving how your OH did it.. if this was in better circumstances i would totally use that line.. My brother knows that im pregnant, so now its just the parents.. i hate this waiting thing though!
i think its always scarey telling ur folks about an unplanned pregnancy! i had a scare aged only just 15 (after my FIRST time too lol) and waited several months before i got the courage to tell my mum

it only got harder with age for me when i actually was pregnant i couldnt even tell my parents- i made my boyf do it! and i was 25!!!
the way you tell them will be something you and they will always remember- so i agree do it on the phone rather than a letter- you'll be so relieved when you've done it-i was on the pill too- i told me mum my symptoms and she said it sounded like i was pregnant so she knew there was a chance- but i phoned her in tears when i came out of the doctors si felt soo much better when she told me everything would be ok! good luck :hug:
Ive told my mum now.. I'm meant to be revising for my exams, and i just can't concentrate... I keep thinking about what my parets are going to say etc... And my mum called me earlier and she was like "you dont sound ok, whats wrong?" so i basically warned her that i was about to ruin her holiday and blurted out "mum im pregnant" and she was like "right ok... well dont worry.."
I was so shocked.. Then I cried coz im a big baby hahahah and im scared, and she was just saying dont think about it for a while and sort my exams out first and she'll call me when she gets home properly.. She knew I'd be keeping it, because she knows my feeling on abortion.. Strangely enough she actually asked if i was on the pill anymore :shock: I was shocked that she would think i was actually trying to conceive a baby right in the middle of my degree, weird!!
She also asked if my OH is gonna "stick with me" and i said yes, and she was just really shocked i think. She didn't sound best pleased, but I wouldnt either in her position.. Sigh.
Well its done now.. Tomorrow i can hopefully concentrate 8)
aw i'm glad it went well- there that must a weight off your mind!
well done! :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: well done for doing it! It always feels better when people know. I'm sure she will come round to the idea even more soon. My mum was in shock for a few days but now she is just very excited! Lol. xxxx
thats near enough the same reaction as my mums lol :)

hope you feel more relieved now, she sounds shocked but happy x
I'm 24, been with my OH for 4 years and we've been living together for a year. I was petrified of telling my dad more than my mum as I didn't want to disappoint him but he was more upset because I've got a long history of depression and things were looking up. He was scared incase I got dragged back down again. It has happened but I've had excellent support from the midwifes at the hospital as well as my family!

It's good you have told your mum though. For me it felt like a massive relief. My mum wasn't too pleased either when I told her. She just said 'right, ok then. We'll talk about this some other time.' and hung up on me. I told my dad over the phone 3 days later and he just let out this long sigh and said 'this is the last thing you need!' before giving the phone back to my mum!

Give it a day or so for the news to sink in with your mum and try not to worry too much! :hug:
Its better she nos now, you have some more support, and dont worry, she will grow to the idea - my mum and dad wanted to murder my sis when she told them, they grew to the idea and as soon as the baby was here, they were smitten and wouldnt of changed it for the world!!

Best of luck with your exams

:hug: :hug: :hug:
well done for telling your mum. i was so scared to tell my parents im 20 baby was unplanned and me and my partner have been together for 6 years.

its such a relief to have done it though. it will get so much easier when everyone gets used to it. :hug:
Well my mum was really arsey with me lastnight on the phone.. but today she called me and she said shes cool with it now :) and everythings ok :) thanks everyone :hug: :hug:
Beth88 said:
Well my mum was really arsey with me lastnight on the phone.. but today she called me and she said shes cool with it now :) and everythings ok :) thanks everyone :hug: :hug:
Thats fab news - looks like she did just need a bit of time to get used to the idea!!

:hug: :hug: :hug:

I'm glad everything turned out ok in the end! My mum was being a bit weird about things in the beginning as well but I think she has come round now so all's good.

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