

Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2007
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anyone got any tips to share for teething? Ive tried teething toys but hes not interested. the only thing that seems to satisfy him is throwing himself at me and trying to bite me!

Is it true that the bottom teeth come through first? because its his top gum thats red and swollen?

Anyone else going through the woes of teething at the mo?
haha! i gave him a carrot and he looked at me as if to say "what the f*** do you want me to do with that?!" so he proceeded to hit himself in the head with it! :roll: ha! at least it took his mind off his teeth for a bit! i'll keep trying with that coz when he figures out to put it in his mouth it sounds like a good idea!!

ive got some ashtons and parsons powder but i havent tried it yet. i was a bit nervous to give it to him as i couldn decide what half the powder was! it looks like a line of coke as well! :shock: maybe thats what put me off! :rotfl:
The ashtons and parsons is also what I found best - its herbal so you can rest assured about giving it to LO. What i do is open it up, put it on the counter and get him to sniff up............pmsl.....no I wet my pinky a little, dip it in and rub it on his gums directly (works best this way) then pour the rest in his mouth - he loves it and take the paper off me and proceeds to lick it. Ive been giving it him since teething started at 5 months. Deffo takes the age off and helps him sleep - I only gave calpol when he had temp.

Bottom teeth are supposed to come through 1st but they dont always - remember though that they have a long way to push up so top ones might just be getting in line and not actually come through yet!

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