teething gels


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2010
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my lil man has started teething already n wondered what you all recommend for teething gels are to use...

i am going to invest in an amber necklace for him but hate seeing him in so much pain that i don't think its fair to wait for the necklace to arrive b4 trying to help him

Any ideas?
I use the baby bonjela, ella loves it and tries to squeeze the whole tube in her mouth :lol: we also use an amber necklace x
ive only used the nelsons powders & they've worked wonders!!!! i have anbesol and bonjela but am yet to use them!!!!
OMG Isla is horrible at the moment! her second top big tooth is on its way through :( We use a mixture of nelsons granules, bonjela and calpol. I also use a gumigem for her to munch on an she loves it. I found that traditional teething rings didnt help as the ring would slip over her bottom teeth and subsequently her incisors have come through first! she looks sooooo evil :)
OMG Isla is horrible at the moment! her second top big tooth is on its way through :( We use a mixture of nelsons granules, bonjela and calpol. I also use a gumigem for her to munch on an she loves it. I found that traditional teething rings didnt help as the ring would slip over her bottom teeth and subsequently her incisors have come through first! she looks sooooo evil :)

would you reccomend them gumigem necklaces? ive seen them but wasnt sure if to buy one or not!?
I just got the amber necklace today. I will let you all know how it goes. Also I heard from a mum that dentinox is the gud gel as it numbs teeth so controls the pain
We've used the lot lol. Bonjela, dentinox, teething necklace (waste of money!!), anbesol, aston & parsons powders and calpol!!

For Oscar bonjela was better than dentinox and it's easier to put on coz the dentinox is more like jelly and I'd thought I'd rubbed it in but then see it had just moved down my finger!!

All the other stuff doesn't work for Oscar except bonjela and when it gets really bad calpol too.

Ashtons and parsons powders and dentinox Teething gel work well here If she's really bad we also use Nufofen xx
The gumigem seems to help, and she grabs at it all the time, I've got both types the heart and lightning, there is 10% of if using code lc in the checkout. They gave a page on facebook as well which is what swung it for me xx
I have tried bonjela, calgel and dentinox and find dentinox is the best. They didn't work for zac but loads of people swear by Ashton and parsons powders x
Haven't read other comments, but we use/used Dentinox, Calgel, Calpol, Ashtons and Parsons teething powder for medicines. Non medical stuff we use frozen flannels for him to bite on, ice sticks, carrot sticks out the fridge, our clean fingers haha, and loads of teething toys!

Hope that helps!

x x x
Alisha has been teething since march :O too early for my likeing she cut her first tooth on my bday in march but this tooth went back in come mothers day but now she has two bottom teeth which are so cute but also i hate seeing her in pain wish i could have it for her sometimes but the best things we have found so far is

1.Dentinox teething gel-this works wonders for her ( we got two more today hehe )
2.Bonjella is okay works every now and then for her

we have tryed the nelsons one but powder on a babys tounge dont see how this can help and ambsel tons of people have told me about this so gonna try it anyway anything to help her but defo reckomend number one hun x
I'm giving him Dentinox its great...really helps...and bought an amber necklace too...just waiting for it in the post now.... :)

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