teething already???


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Can a 2 month old be teething?

Evie has been grizzly, dribbling like mad, shoving her fist in her mouth constantly and has red cheeks...and I'm sure I can feel something sharpish on her gum (but I'm not sure what I should be feeling for!!)

is it possible she's teething or is it something else and I'm reading the signs wrong?
babies can be born teething / with teeth! could well be her teeth.
Summer started teething just after 2 months. She has 4 teeth now.
my nephew had his first tooth at 11 weeks and they can have the teething symptoms for up to 4-5 weeks before a tooth comes through so could be hun, try the powders if she cant have any calpol etc for it yet. my LO has been having a few days of this on and off since 3 months but still no teeth lol whereas my first had 2 by the time she was 4 months old.

pilkers said:
Can a 2 month old be teething?

Evie has been grizzly, dribbling like mad, shoving her fist in her mouth constantly and has red cheeks...and I'm sure I can feel something sharpish on her gum (but I'm not sure what I should be feeling for!!)

is it possible she's teething or is it something else and I'm reading the signs wrong?

weird, leahs been doin the exact same
dribbling, and putting her hands in her mouth :think: :think: :think:
Ellie has her hands in her mouth constantly & dribbles loads but I think thats her replacement 4 a dummy :think: :pray: hope shes not teething!
yep mia started at about that age..still not peggies :wall: :wall: :wall:
Thats really odd... Lil miss has the same thing... at the moment she hates the sucking the dummy but chewing on it.. She also likes it if I rub the dummy along her bottom gums... I can definitely see little white spots there, so has other people... and shes a right dribble monster. :think: Shes got her teething necklace on all the time now.
Maisie is doing this too- she dribbles loads and there are often little red areas on her gums. She has been doing it for 2w now
i'm gonna get a teething necklace I think...she's not been as bad today.

she's chewing on her dummy as I speak though :roll:
pilkers said:
i'm gonna get a teething necklace I think...she's not been as bad today.

she's chewing on her dummy as I speak though :roll:

now leah wont stop sucking her fist
she tries her hardest to get all of it into her mouth and makes such a loud sucky noise and keeps dribbling and blowing bubbles

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