Techy people and my hatE vista love linux thread!


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2006
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More for the techy and I.T people on here, what are you running on your laptop, pc? I got a newish laptop and it came with vista which is the worst base I have ever used! its terrible and dosnt like reading discs either so have set up a dual boot and partitioned most of my laptop to ubunto 7.2 (Linux) reads cd's fine now, a hell of a lot quicker, better security and less shit that im never going to use, dont have to trawl the internet for things I need and spend ages downloading either, open command window type in what I want and /install it easy peasy...anyone else geeky enough to be a linux convert? :oops:
I have vista on my pc and it's been ok for me so far.

Hubby has an i-mac which he's installed a windows simulator on, so that you can opt to run either vista, or mac's current OS on it on start-up.
He tried Linux on his pc a while ago but never stuck with it.

He keeps wanting me to turn my pc into a mac but I'm not bothered about switching from vista at the moment.
If I ever found vista to be working badly I'd probably go with a mac system rather than ubuntu :)
We're on a mix of Win98, XP and Fedora. The kids want laptops for christmas - if Vista really is as bad as people say it is, they'll be going dual boot ASAP
Yeah id defo recommend the dual boot the only reason I didnt delete vista completely is because its on warantee and if it ever needs to be sent back rest assured they will see linux and go ohhh complicated ohhhh nooo wheres easy step by step windows we're not fixing this lol...tempting to dual boot it to mac and linux though :think:
I like vista but agree it can be a right pain, for example my laptop comes with a built in webcam which vista won't recognise :?
OH works for novatech building pc's and he HATES vista!

people are buying them and asking for xp to be put on instead

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