Teat size


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2012
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My LO is 7 weeks old and FF, I'm just wondering when I go up to the next teat size on his bottles. The package say 3+ months. But I was wondering when to start. He's on 4oz every 3 hours during the day. And sometimes he doesn't finish a bottle as he's fallen asleep. And others he finishes the bottle.
And does anyone think I should have him on more than 4oz? He's 11lbs 15oz already. But he's really long. The health visitor gave me no advice when I asked her.xxx
Toby is the same age, is also 11lb 5oz and is also v long! He also takes roughly 4oz every 3 hrs (think they're from the same mould) but is still on the slow flow 0+ months teats. When I tried the variflow teats it made him puke.

They should be taking 150ml-200ml per kilo per day. Which I think is anywhere from 27-32.5oz per day. Toby averages about 29oz.

Sounds like your LB is bang on xxx
up it and see what happens baby wil either take it or not x
I've never moved off the newborn teats! Everytime I tried she gagged and choked so we just stuck with the smaller ones and she's 6 months soon. HV are pants - I've been waiting for mine to return my call for 3 days...
Toby is the same age, is also 11lb 5oz and is also v long! He also takes roughly 4oz every 3 hrs (think they're from the same mould) but is still on the slow flow 0+ months teats. When I tried the variflow teats it made him puke.

They should be taking 150ml-200ml per kilo per day. Which I think is anywhere from 27-32.5oz per day. Toby averages about 29oz.

Sounds like your LB is bang on xxx

Oh that's good to know!!! I might just keep him at the size 1 for a bit longer then!! How cute there so similar... Text book boys!!xx
I've never moved off the newborn teats! Everytime I tried she gagged and choked so we just stuck with the smaller ones and she's 6 months soon. HV are pants - I've been waiting for mine to return my call for 3 days...

Oh did she... I think I will hold off a bit then.
Yeah my health visitor is just a bit skatty. Can't reccommmend anything, and no real advice.xxx
R is 17 weeks and we have only just gone upto the size 2 teats.

The reason we did is that it is taking him nearly half hour with size 1 and he was falling asleep which in a way is good but then he wasn't being burped so would up chuck when I put him down....

A lot of it is common sense....

Ive got MAM bottles and they have size 2 teats from 2 months which ive used since 2 months & Aila hasnt a problem. Cant buy them in Ireland and theres still one bottle with size 1 teat on it and its a pain for Aila to try drink it, its like a chore because shes so use to the size 2 that size one is too slow.

Theres no harm in trying when you want to hun , you'll never know without trying :) x

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