Tears at bedtime


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2005
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Every night when I put Tom in his cot, he cries and cries until he drops off.

I have a bedtime routine for him - bath, milk, book and then bed - and have done this since he was about 8 weeks.

Is it normal for babies to cry when you put them in their cots????

If not, any ideas of how I can get him to feel a bit happier about going in there?

Keeley does this every now and again i find its always after we have been out and she has spent most the day in the buggy..

How long does he cry for?
Keeley does about 5 minutes then gives up :lol:
It's only for about 5 mins but I find that he starts moaning as soon as we get in to his room ... like he knows I'm about to put him down and he doesn't want to go but he's always tired and ready.

at least its only 5 mins emma can cry for over an hour sometimes (obviously i dont leave her for an hour but she still cries if im holding her she just seems to hate sleeping :cry: i hope they grow out of it soon
I just wondered what other babies do? Do they go down in their cots all happy or is it normal to have tears? I don't mind if it's normal but if it isn't, I want to try and sort something out so my little man goes off to sleep happy! x
Nathan either goes up completly flat out asleep and stays asleep or goes up at his bed time and moans a bit. Once he see's me leave the room he will have a moan but he always gets himself off to sleep. I'd say its normal for him to have a bit of a cry before going to sleep.
I'd suggest laying on your bed with him and either reading a story or playing, something he likes, for a good 5-10mins, then try him again? I've had the same issues with Isaac and know nothing to 'cure' this as yet, early day, but thought I'd suggest something, does he have a light/music toy in his cot Lucy? That might help ease him to drift off too, also try a hot water bottle where he lays, just before putting him in his cot then remove it, after leaving a snug,warm Mummy, the cot might just be a tad too cold. Very best wishes Lucy, and Tom :hug: :hug: :hug:

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