Teacher tells girl she looks like a "slut"


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2007
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Well this is nice.

Ok so the skirt is too short, both for her age and for the school setting. But that's by the by.What on earth gives a teacher, "in loco parentis", the right to embarress a kid like that,in front of her peers too?

There are other ways to encourage a pupil to wear the uniform appropriately. Ways which don't include slurs on her personality and sexual practices. Bear in mind she is thirteen

The double standards here are sickening. I wonder does this same teacher hold the same opinion about celebrities, Page 3 girls, Ryanair commercials and the rest?
“not doing much for your cellulite”

:shock: :shock: :shock:

What a disgusting school.

The teacher has apologised to the girls mother.

But the headmaster has said it wasn't directed at the girl.

I know. The girl's mother ffs. last time I looked it was physically possible to apologise to the girl herself :roll: But I guess the teacher is too cowardly for that

Maybe the headmaster thinks it was directed at the mother :roll: :roll:
I do apologise here, but if that teacher had said that about me - or even my 11 year old niece or my daughter, if I had one - I would probably smack them :angel:

I wander if the mother is taking the girl out of the school :think:

Fancy saying that to a girl at 13 who is at an impressionable age where in this day and age a lot of young girls are killing themselves due to being bullied because people pick on their bodies etc. And then a person you are meant to be able to trust says something like that. :?
Something similar was said to me when I was about 14- it wasn't as bad, just "You're a complete mess,you look like a tramp and you are a disgrace to the school"

i went f*cking spare on the teacher then i went home, told my parents, and they went up to the school,complained,and she got into a whole heap of crap, she deserved it to the old cow.

Calling a kid a slut is far worse though.I wouldn't be taking my daughter out of the school,I'd be making sure the teacher in question was disciplined, and if they weren't I'd have the school for discrimination and possible sexual harrassment.

...but that's just me.
I used to get told at school to roll my skirt down because my teachers "didn't want to see what I had for breakfast". To be honest, the whole idea of rolling my skirt up when I was 14/15 (although some girls started doing it at 11! :shhh: ) was to look 'slutty' and attract the boys at the Boys School next door. :lol:

13 year old girls have a tendancy to exaggerate and attention seek so I'll take this one with a pinch of salt!
Jade&Evie said:
I used to get told at school to roll my skirt down because my teachers "didn't want to see what I had for breakfast". To be honest, the whole idea of rolling my skirt up when I was 14/15 (although some girls started doing it at 11! :shhh: ) was to look 'slutty' and attract the boys at the Boys School next door. :lol:

13 year old girls have a tendancy to exaggerate and attention seek so I'll take this one with a pinch of salt!

it was said in full hearing of a whole bunch of other students and staff.

and I agree, plenty of girls roll their skirts up, it's something most teenage girls do. but as you said, it is to attract the "boy next door".Which is fairly innocent. However for adults to comment on it and relate it to something like "being slutty" is totally out of order.
Now I'm trying to work out how you would see what you had for breakfast :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I am so glad I never had to wear skirts at school.

Instead I wore trousers with trainer, my school shirt with my football training shirt on underneath and my jumper which my shirt always hung out of :lol: :angel:
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

apologise to the girl!!!

our uniform was disgustin - go on youtube and search 'Travis - Driftwood' and ul see me :wink:

on out last day of school before we went to 6th form we cut our skirts bum skimmingly short, best wonderbra with shirt open, stockings and stilettoes - we looked like tarts but it was like 5yrs of rebellin haha :lol: :lol:
Hmph, and they wonder why students rebel so much when we're spoken to like this. I wouldn't take it off my peers and certainly not a teacher.

Reminds me of when my friend was looking through her birthday pics and a teacher walked behind her, pointed to a picture of me and said 'lordy, she's got a bit of a tum hasn't she!'

Word soon spread. I wouldn't mind if she looked like Cheryl Cole but the woman looked like she'd been hit in the face with a pan. :shakehead:
widowwadman said:
The sad thing though is that the story already had been sold to the Daily Mail who published a photo, including a close-up of the hemline. What were the parents thinking of letting it be published that way?

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... ulite.html

they even included a close up of the top of her thigh to prove it wasn't cellulite - ffs as if that's important.

The teacher should be sacked if she said that, its not a way anyone should speak to another person let alone a teacher to a pupil.

I do apologise here, but if that teacher had said that about me - or even my 11 year old niece or my daughter, if I had one - I would probably smack them

So you would assault someone for saying something to your daughter - yep that'd sort that one.
OMG, yes she does dress a bit :shock: but to say that to a child, infront of others... why not take her to the side and tell her her clothing wasnt appropriate etc...

me and my friend had a simualr thing from our french teacher who told us to "shut up, nobody is interested in your opinions you are just two rich bitches" :shock: Needless to say we went mental, walked out the class room and straight to the guidance teacher and the Heads office to complain

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