

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2007
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I recently read that a lot of herbal teas are harmful to drink while pregnant - this is DEFINATELY a shocker for me, and it's got me worried. I drink a few cups of tea per day, mostly fruit teas such as lemon, strawberry, and current, but I also drink white tea (jasmine with orange blossom). I am soooo worried now!

What specific teas should I stay away from? Are fruit teas safe?
I know they say to avoid raspberry leaf as it can increase the risk of miscarriage (though in the last stages of pregnancy it can apparantly help soften the cervix, some people try it when overdue)

Someone else on here said green tea can stop your body absorbing folic acid, don't know if that's true though :think:

Think I'll avoid them for the time being then.
I know green tea is just packed with caffiene (or so my old councellor told me... she might have been wrong, though), so I see why that would be unhealthy.

But fruit teas... I always thought they were harmless. :shock: Tea makes me feel better.
I read that, but they didn't mention fruit teas, only herbal teas.
Thanks for that sharper, I hadn't seen it :D

Maybe fruit teas are ok then as they are not herbs and don't have medicinal properties?
I think I'll avoid just to be safe
I'm a big coffee nut, but since pregnancy, I twitched to fruit teas... it helps me with my nicotine cravings, too. :( If anyone is sure about the fruit tea thing, I am waiting with baited breath.
I googled and found this

The right cuppa?
You may have heard that some herbal teas should be avoided when you’re pregnant. Red raspberry leaf tea is not recommended before 36 weeks of pregnancy as it tones the muscles of the uterus and could bring labour forward. Steer clear of herbal teas if you’re not sure what they contain – herbs can be powerful and we can’t predict their effect on pregnancy. Fruit teas are certainly safe – and a refreshing alternative to ordinary tea and coffee.

http://www.bounty.com/Articles/Bounty/PDF/Your Pregnancy/Week 34.aspx
I am a Tea fan and have dropped down to 2or 3 a day but fruit tea might be better, cannot find anything on it yet....will keep trawling. With this yucky weather I just want to curl up with a warm drink. It is such a minefield this pregnancy lark!
ooo they help you with nicotine cravings lol im going to get some today then :D
anyone care to recomend a really nice flavor (cant drink orange though)
manda x
CB23, thank you so much for that! I guess fruit teas are safe, then. Whew.

Lemon tea is amazing, so I reccomend that. Black current is, too. Yum yum.
I'd heard that its the berry teas that should be avoided - but I can't remember where I heard this so don't quote me! I like blackcurrent tea from Tesco's.

If you're not sure, why not just have squash but with hot water, you can get some nice flavours these days.
I am not a big fan of fruit or herbal teas anyway but I do love a cuppa in the morning espeically when it is so grim outside like today.

I have switched to Decaf Tea and am having 1 / 2 cups a day. Apprently this is ok?
In all my pregnancy books it says to have no more than 300mg caffeine daily, i.e 3 cups of coffee or 6 of tea. I am going for 2/3 but cutting back to 1 from tomorrow

This is all plain confusing... time to switch to juice. :lol:
i got some strawberry and summer fruits today and they smell like jelly yum yum
manda x
sharper said:
or Hot Squash like I used to have when I was little......
I have absolutely no idea what that is... :oops: Please tell.
I've got some Herbal tea that is Lemon and Ginger the ingredients include Ginger, Lemon peel,dried linden flowers and flavouring lemongrass and dried blackberry leaves.

Do you think this is safe to drink?? I've had a couple of cups of it but i'm a bit worried now.
sunnyday said:
If you're not sure, why not just have squash but with hot water, you can get some nice flavours these days.

I agree, I'm not a big fan of fruit tea, and drink way to much normal tea so will probably start drinking warm Ribena or something.

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