Tampons and periods etc


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Hello mummys hope you are all well and your lo's are being angels...

I know obviously after birth I will have to wear surf boards (booo ssss) but when can I start using tampons again? Also will my cycle return to normal or will it be out of wack, ie 28 days after birth will I have Mr P.

Are they heavier, more painful?
Ie what should I expect...

Thanks :)
I used tampons for my first period after having Nathan.

I got my first period 6 weeks after having Nathan and it was no different to how it was before i'd been pregnant. Also, my cycle went back to how it used to be after my first period, every 29 days and my periods never changed at all :)
hiya hun
i dint get my first period for 12 weeks after the birth i could use tampax although they felt weird lol.
it was less painfull then before birth and lastest 4 days
I didn't get AF until 13 weeks :shock:

I think its because I breastfed first though. It's a lot heavier than normal and I've been getting cramps which never happened before but I have found tampons fine (I was a bit worried it'd fall out! :oops: :rotfl: )
I had my first period about 6 weeks after birth, and it was a bit heavier & more painful than normal, but after that it settle back down to how it used to be. Went almost straight back into a pattern, give or take a couple of days here and there and once the first one was out the way, they went back to being normal as in flow/pain etc :hug: Didnt attempt to use tampax for the first 3 months or so as was still really sore internally from stitches, but once I did it was no different to before really :hug:
tampons feel odd.. like they arnt in properly.. i know the inside of me must have changed but it feels like they are gonna fall out.. ive converted to cloth pads now.. and i will never ever go back to sanitary towels.. they are grim and plasticy and sweaty.. cloth pads feel like you have nothing on.. i have to keep reminding myself im wearing cloth and its ok.. im not going to flood through.. cloth pads last longer than a disposable pad.. and they dont smell anywhere near as bad they are fantastic.. ive even converted midna :D thats hell of a task :lol: :twisted: you only need about 5 pads.. 2 a day then wash and dry and they are ready to wear the next day..think of the money you save yourself to.. and.... how comfy they are..
I had mine about 8 weeks or so after birth but took another 6 weeks for the next one! Both have been pretty light and painless though I'm back on the pill again.
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I breastfeed so not had one yet. I had the depo with alter things a little but it wasn't a period. But i've never used tampons before. Doubt i will now baby's here either.
My periods have just returned yesterday at almost 13 weeks after giving birth. I breastfed for the first four weeks only. I'm using the same size of tampons (regular) as I've always used before, it doesn't feel any different. I've always had bad period pains but yesterday evening I had particularly nasty cramps, reminded me a bit of these horrible contractions :wall:
So far they're not heavier than before. I just feel extremely tired because I can't stay in bed until it gets better :sleep: as little Louis needs me!
I got my periods bang on 6 weeks, 10 weeks and 14 weeks after birth. Hohum, just call me Mrs Average...

Anyway you can use tampons / Mooncup etc from 6 weeks no problem according to my doctor (I rang and checked but he'd never heard of a Mooncup ha ha)...

My periods are equally heavy but less painful now. The first one was less heavy.
Thanks so much for the info ladies thats really helpful

Can you tell im not looking forward to the surfboard wearing?

They always feel bunchy and uncomfy and i get so paranoid of having an accident...

Lisa these cloth ones where can i get them from, also do they leak?
You will probably need to wear the MEGA BRICK SURFBOARDS in the first few days after birth anyway so the midwives can inspect them (ming!) and yes, prepare to leak because you'll bleed loads - which isn't great when all you want to do is lie down and rest because as soon as you get up... :rotfl:

Yeah it's not the best but you'll be so happy looking after your little boy you'll barely notice it :cheer:
I HATE PADS I bled for 5 weeks too! At first it was so heavy I had to wear 2 maternity ones and as Debecca said - when you stand up it, erm, gushes. But after a few days I was able to swap to normal period pads which were slightly better.

It's bee 8 weeks since Fi was born and I have a box of tampons ready and waiting!
Oh no it sounds terrible :( lol and why does the middy have to check them? Good grief its bad enough they wanna see my fanny, cant i just hide in a corner with baby until its over??

Minging though it sounds they will probably be checking for clots to make sure none of the placenta was left behind. I was quite lucky with my manual removal under GA cos I think they had a good ol' clear out while they were in there :lol:
Steelgoddess said:
Oh no it sounds terrible :( lol and why does the middy have to check them? Good grief its bad enough they wanna see my fanny, cant i just hide in a corner with baby until its over??


mine weren't checked but i had to pee into a bowl the first two times and leave it for them to look at :puke:
The only time the midwife asked me to show them my pad was when I had a clot and she asked me to show her! (I did keep it lol as I was told she would want to see it!)
The bricks arent nice but I didnt wear them too long! I got Always night time and they worked well!
I could never use a tampon after I had the children! Never went in right and I just leaked! Then when I removed it it had blood on one side and the other was untouched?! Very odd! lol I will be taking cerazette afterwards so make sure I dont need anything lol! I hate periods! haha

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