

Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2005
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How you all doing? Long time no speak and all that! We are fine. I just popped in to say hi and thought I'd take the opportunity to ask you all about talking. Isaac has started to say a few words, mum, dad, airplane, more, yes etc but he isn't really consistent. He said airplane twice in one day but hasn't said it since!

How are your bubbys getting on with saying words and speaking?

Lou :)
hiya lou :wave:

Brody is not very consistent either, he just seems to make a lot of "Uhhh UUHHHH" noises when he wants something. :lol: For example in the bath he wants the bubbles, every bath time I try and get him to say it but he won't, he just goes "Uhhhhh UUUUH" and points at them until eventually I give in and just get them for him. :lol:

Apart from that he can say Mommy, Daddy, cat, Nanna, tractor (tacta!) and a few other words, but he doesn't seem too keen to say much else.
Hiya lou and urchin

bradley is nearly 2 in june and hes not saying anything, should i be worried then.. if yours are saying a few words now i can see they are so much younger than bradley... he says yeah, and thats it,
Eloise say's Hiya (favourite word) and occasionally dada although it's generally dadadadadadadadadadada :lol:
She can say nana but she has no idea what any of the words mean

Fiona - I wouldn't worry - my friend has a daughter who was about a premature as Bradley and she didn't start speaking or anything till past 2.
Aimee babbles a lot of nonsence most of the times but she can say the odd word, eg plane, dummy, baba, ball all the usual ones. Shes getting better though.
elise will babble a few words but mainly points to the things she wants so im trying 2 learn her what they are instead of giving in to her
she can say mama, dada, keykey (Kiyanna) and nana.. she can say her own name aswel but says leasy lol
Hey Lou :wave:

i found with Dior she would not say much but no what loads of words mean, i could say "go get your coat shoes hat we are going the shop"
she would no what every thing means. but she just dont say them much.
i spoke to the HV and she said its not a problem.
im sire he can talk and knows a lot of words but just dont feel the need to use them yet
they only show concern if they cant use more than 5 words in context hereat their 2 year check

Willow was talking before she would walk her first word was hiya at about 9 months she could sing jingle bells at 14months but didn't walk till over 1 didn't crawl till 11 months and didn't roll over till she could crawl but my friends little one the same age still won't speak much but walked at 9months they are all just different

Sounds fine, ella has always been a chatterbox, for the last 9 months it has been like speaking to another adult, at just over 2 her stringing 5 words together sounds great

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