taking temp..what with?


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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As you all know im trying to concieve. Ive been told by a good freind of mine to try taking my temp in the morning so i know when im ovulating. Thing is do i use a normal thermometer and what should my temp be? Im new to all this technical stuff, i just had sex and hoped for the best lol. :think:
I used to take my temp in the morning too! :lol:
I dont know exactly what it should be, but if its over 37 degrees, this is meant to show your ovulating! x
I use a digital thermometer to take my temp, my average before ovulation is between 35.9 and 36.1. The average body temp should be a bit higher, im just strange lol.
You can use either a traditional glass or digital thermometer, but use the same thermometer throughout your cycle. If you use a traditional glass thermometer always shake it down and make sure you wait for 5 minutes before you read the temperature. If you use a digital thermometer, wait for the beep (usually about 1 minute) before you read and that the temperature will register to 1/10 of a degree. For example: will read 36.56 and not round up to 36.6.

Temps should range from the mid 35's to 37.00. You will not be able to work out anything from one temp alone - You need to temp every morning to be able to understand your temperature shifts.

Hope this helps
i take my temp every morning and i def noticed a shift, if you keep a graph then you will visually see that your temps have gone up consistantly after ovulation and will remain those few degrees higher until af comes or you get your BFP. i bought my themometer from boots and it was £12 ish and it included a booklet explaining everything and loads of graphs to keep a record. i think its called fertility themometer or something. good luck :D
You're soooo in to this lark arn't you!! You put me to shame with your graphs!!! All do is BD a bit!!!!!!
problem is i know the theory just got to put it into practice!! :dance: bding is by far the best way to get your BFP everytime!! :lol:
He he!!!!! Think we'll be having a nice hot sweaty holiday next week!!!!!!!! Sorry tmi :oops: :dance:
From personal experience, I would have to agree with rusks - Just writing your temps down makes them really hard to interpret and spot temp shifts - especially where they are quite subtle.... By plotting your temps on a graph you get a visual representation and can see whats happening at a glance...What was a subtle shift in numbers can look much more pronounced on a graph. I could not make head nor tail of my temps until I bit the bullet and started putting them into a graph.

If you would like a graph to print out or plot online - PM me your e-mail address and I can mail you some.

Really hope you get your
very soon!
been doing my temp this month and for the past 2 days it has come right down to the coverline and a little below (only just) i know im not PG as it normally would take on a higher (Triphasic phase) if i was following implantation. Due AF on thurs/fri. do you think this is a sign of low progesterone? Im worried if i did get my BFP the bean wouldn't survive due to low hormones, or do you think im being paranoid. any advice greatly appreciated. :?

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