

Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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Hiya ladies :wave:

Just wanted to know if anyone else has had these symptons before AF turned up as I have never had these before?

The last few days I have had a runny/blocked nose and a small nose bleed and then this morning early on had terrible heartburn which kept me awake for about an hour! Then today I have had a stitch like pain on my left hand side like in my rib area and I have had hunger pains all morning, had three tangerines, two muffins, a bag of crisps and a sandwich and I have still got hunger pains now!!

Now sat at my desk I have got back ache!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :wall:

Not tested yet I am going to be good and wait till Saturday and see if the witch comes!

Kate xx
ooh sounds promising MrsH. Fingers crossed for you hun
Oh def sounds promising darling, I dont know how ya bare to not test but Im addicted to POAS :lol: keep us updated!! xx praying for ya and sending ya lots of baby dust!!! xx
Kate, that is how i have been feeling all day today......constantly hungry and i had a slight nose bleed yesterday? I feel like i havnt eaten all day, when the reality is that i have done nothing but eat lol!! i just thought i was comfort eating because i felt low lol!!
You know ive already got my fingers crossed for you hun!!! Shall be thinking of you on sunday!!! -xxx- :pray:
Hi Mummy-D

Im glad someone else is feeling the same, thought I might be imagining these!!!

When are you going to test?
Hiya Candy :wave:

Thank you hunny x

Speak soon

Kate xx
Hiya Kate

Was hoping to be good this month and not test until monday or tuesday, but i know it will be hard not testing this weekend and by Sunday morning i will be dying to poas!

Are you still going to wait until Saturday or you gonna be naughty and test early?

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