I had 1. But i tensed up so made it harder on myself. I'm a panicker so i got upset before it was even done.
Plus it didn't work. They say if it hasn't worked in 48 hours then in hasn't worked at all. I had mine done on the Tuesday and went into labour early hours Sunday. The day before induction!
I had a sweep on the Monday, lost my plug later that day, started contracting on Tuesday and had James on Wednesday It wasnt uncomfortable and didnt hurt in the slightest x
i had a sweep when i was a couple of days overdue. They key is to relax, or it'll hurt more! I know some people say its very painful , but i just found it really uncomfortable. And yes...mine worked! I had it on the monday afternoon, had a MASSIVE show tuesday morning, cramps started coming and Izzie was born at 10.12pm Tuesday night
i had a sweep on the thursday.. didn't hurt at all.. as long as you relax (hard i know) but just keep thinking if the MW can get this done it might help you along... went in on the fri to be induced... the sweep didn't do anything for me but i know many girls who started dilating just hours after.. good luck
ive had one with both of my pregnancies. the first one worked, the next day i was in labour, however the 2nd didt work and i had to be induced. good luck! let us know how you get on xx
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