Sweaty Issue


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2007
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Looking for some comfort here....

This morning I showered, put on deoderent, and all fresh clothes and underwear. But I've been so hot and sweaty today I now smell of BO. :oops:

I mentioned it to the girls in the office and they said they can't smell anything, but I think they're just being polite. One girl did quietly say it's mostly likey cause I'm pregnant and will be hormonal.

Please tell me this is the case - I hate the thought of being smelly. :oops:
Hello Julie :wave:

Your sense of smell is heightened when you are pregnant so the chances are that no-one else will even notice :hug:

If it is bothering you though try using a different deoderant, I find the dove cream one works for me, I don't get on with sprays, they seem to wear off so fast.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
This is embarrasing but I bought a pair of comfy shoes from Clarks (my mum's a Podiatrist so under her orders!) and they've been helping with the pain in my leg. Only thing is I was sitting at work the other day and I could smell smelly feet :puke: I got home, took shoes off and realised it was my feet. I'm so angry because although the shoes are really comfy I can't wear socks with them and will not have smelly feet :(
I agree it is just down to pregnancy hormones and you seem more aware of your body smells... :hug: :hug: :hug:
I use 'anhydrol forte' its a special roll-on from the chemist..its about 4 quid but lasts ages... you have to put under arms once before bed... then again the next night... then thats it for weeks.. it kills the sweat glands... beware tho..when you first use it..it stings like hell..I had to wash it off after about 30 mins..and try again the next night with it.. but is well worth it..stops sweating completely and no smell!

I also agree whiole pregnant i thought i always smelled which usually i didnt (my OH is honest ) :)
I have changed brands of anti-perspirant 3 times this pregnancy so far. Everything only seems to work for a few hours. I agree it's quite embarrassing. :oops:

I think it doesn't help I feel so hot all the time either. Even when it's raining I'm wanting the windows and doors open at home.

In the last few weeks I also think that I am smelling like pig all the time! :oops: Despite having a shower twice a day and using strong anti-persperants! I even started to use my OH! The ones for men are usually stronger, so maybe you could try that :) And I do think that becourse of the pregnancy we do sweat more! :?
Ive had this lol

I dont tend to sweat much but i do now and again think i can smell BO .

When i ask DH if he can smell BO on me he says he cant and hes very honest and would be the first to say.

I have tried having loads of shower but i can sometime still smell it .

Ive also been out like most of yobrought diffrent sprays to see if this works.

TBH i think its like some girls have already said your sences are at the highest when you are pregnant .

But i know the feeling cause your wondering well if i can smell it others must beable too.

I also know what you mean Sabrina about the windows lol :rotfl: its raining and very cool where we live at the moment and i have both of my windows open in my bedroom and the big standing fan on. :oops:

My DH thinks im bonkers lol :rotfl:

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