

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2011
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My poor baby got sunburned yesterday :( My childminder had bought some Boots Soltan Soltan lotion and got a free 50SPF travel size one for free. She used the free one on herself and Jax and they both burned badly. She is phoning today to complain as she is usually super careful as she's had cancerous moles removed last year. She couldn't sleep last night either worrying about poor Jax, she felt so guilty. He seems absolutely fine in himself, it just looks awful.

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Oh no... Poor lil thing... Hope he's ok... :-(
Oh my goodness. Hope he's ok. Poor childminder must feel awful. Xxx
Omg! That's terrible. With that factor they should both be protected! Hope they're both ok.
Jax seems totally unfazed by it. I thought he might cry in the bath but he was fine. I know, she said that 99% of the time that Jax was out of the sun completely and only went in the sun when she was carrying him to sort one of the other children out. Just shows how quick their delicate skin can burn!

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Aww he's sounds like a tough little cookie!
Poor little man! My hv told me today that Joe doesn't need sun cream as he shouldn't ever be in the sun but I questioned about walking to and from car etc she said that wasn't long enough to catch. Shows once again how little she knows! Hope hes ok
:shock: bloody hell! I just had to check what one I got but it's nivea. You should complain too hunny, have you taken any photos? Get some taken if you haven't, she might need some to back her up.

I'm so paranoid about Albert getting burnt, I fell asleep on my front in the sun once and burnt the soles of my feet....didn't even think about putting cream on them! Albert's got so much lotion on he looks like Caspar lol and we've only been out in the shade

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