Summer/Autumn 2006 mummies club


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2006
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Hello :wave:

For all those who were bumpy the same time as me last year.....

As our babies head with lightening speed towards their first birthdays, I thought it would be nice for us to have a check-in and catch-up in this section while we still can!!!

Stanley is now 10.5 months and more and more fun every day. He loves being on his feet and is taking a few steps but will not crawl at all. His favourite things are pointing (usually at cars), nanny, waving and noisy toys like drums. He hates grey-haired people and noisy domestic appliances like the hoover/washing machine (just like his father :wink: )

His weight gain has slowed down and he's around 25lb, but is a great eater. Not so keen on veg but loves his carbs! He even goes in for spices and garlic.

Here's a recent piccie, looking mucky after a hard day's play

Olivia Is Now 1 Year Old (She Turned 1 Last Sat), She Gets More And More Cheeky Everyday, She Is Such A happy Little Thing, She Is A Joy To Be Around We Love Every Minute We Spend With Her!

Olivia Also Loves To Be On Her Feet, She Isn't Quite Walking Yet But She has Taken A Few Steps! She Is A Super Fast Crawler And Heads Straight For The Stairs Every Little Chance She Gets :wall: She Will Climb On Anything To Get To What She Wants And If She Cant Get To It She Will Squeel :roll:

Olivia Loves Other Kids Specially Babies, She Has Also Started To Say A Few Words eg Mamma, Dadda, Baby And Im Certain She Can Say "More"!

Olivia had Her 1 Year Cheak Today And She Weighed In At 19lb 7oz And Her Length Was 73cm's! Olivia Also Loves Her Food, There Isn't Much That She Wont Eat!

Here She Is On Her Birthday Doing What She Loves Most (Eating)

Arrr lovely post .

Hi to all summer mums.

Ellis is one today and has had a very busy birthday with lots of visitors.

I love being a mum to him so much, his fave things are also little kids, music (he loves dancing) and balls!!! he loves footballs, little balls any thing round.... he will even nicked a potatoe off me when i am peeling them!! haha.

Last time he got weighed a few weeks ago he was nearly 24 pound and 73cm. He still only has two teeth!!! but eats like he has a mouthful of nashers! hehe

He loves crawling but just started taking about 5-6 steps... normally running!! haha.

Heres a pic of him at 11 months. (before the second tooth came through)

lovely idea Minxy!

Jamie is now 10 and a half months old, likes to dance, point at strangers and shout, eat big boy food and chocolate, havin baths with mummy, he is crawling like a madman and is taking a few steps every day so will be walkin soon i hope!


What lovely stories!! Don't we have gorgeous kids? :lol:

C'mon ladies........a lot of us have moved on but I know there's still a few hanging about....

Budge, Princess Puddles, foxymum, Melanie, Katysmummy, SarahH, Izzy, TinaOct......where are you all? :lol:
hi am not really part of your group but my Niamh is a summer baby,

Niamh is nearly 11 months now, everyday she does something new, she's such a happy beautiful little girl we love being around her, she makes me soooo happy and we love her so much. i've noticed everywhere we go she draws smiles on peoples faces!

Well Niamh loves doing things that she shouldnt but just flashes us a cheaky grin so gets away with it :roll: :lol: , she has just started enjoying looking at her self in the mirror she spends ages smiling and laughing at her self! (got a vain one i think, theres gonna be a Q in the mornings for the bathroom when she is older! :lol: )
She has been walking around the walls furniture ect for a while so wont be long before she walking. Niamh also loves music and dancing. she is not really talking much but she can say "dada" and "nana"(not "mama" yet :( lol) i would love to show you all my princess but james (OH is not keen and i dont know how anyway i did try to just put a small one on the other day) xxx
Minxy said:
What lovely stories!! Don't we have gorgeous kids? :lol:

C'mon ladies........a lot of us have moved on but I know there's still a few hanging about....

Budge, Princess Puddles, foxymum, Melanie, Katysmummy, SarahH, Izzy, TinaOct......where are you all? :lol:

im here!!!

i have a super pole dancing picture of baby budge. but hubby has the camera for work today. ill post it later along with updates :cheer:
yep me & Louie are here too, will post tonight when they're all in bed :cheer:
Keeley is 10 months old today :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer:

She loves dancing and tryin to walk she can do 6 steps in one go now but then she falls on her bum :lol:

She can say... mum...dada...yes...ta....tigger and bub

She loves bouncing in her cot and pretending to jump...

And she loves her crawlin tortoise from elc and her little happy people toys

She loves to clap and wave bye to people but does it 10 minutes after they have left :lol: :lol:

Keeley weighed 19lb 12oz's when i had her weighed last but i am gettin her weighed again tomorrow

Here's a pic of my Cheeky lil Princess


I can't beleive how much she has changed

Louie is 10 months old today! :cheer:
hes into evrything, crawls everywhere, tries to get up the stairs, eats evrything off the floor :roll: like the family dog under the dinner table :rotfl:

we've gone from this

to this

to this

to this


to this taken today, sorry there are so many girls :oops:

i love my boy soooooo much :cheer:
foxymum u def live upto ur name, u look gorgeous in that pic with ur bump!! :D
You forgot about me :cry: :lol:

Oliver is 10 months and 8 days old! He weighed 20lbs 1.5oz when I last got him weighed about 4 weeks ago. He has been crawling for a while now and has now learnt to stand and cruise around the furniture. He is into everything :)

Oliver loves to clap and he waves too. He loves his food and eats loads!

I love him more each day and he is so much fun :D

This is the most recent one of him taken about 3 weeks ago

What a lovely post, seems like no time since we were all posting about our bumps and how we wanted these babies out.

Joe is 11 months now. This post worried me a bit as the other kids and especially the piccies look as though they are standing, walking and crawling.

My wee sausgae isnt doing any of these things. He is trying to crawl but not getting any where. I know they all develop at different stages and Jess was slow at these things (could string a sentance together really young though and hasnt stopped talking since). I wont worry too much. The minute I take him to the hv is the day he will crawl.

He loves his food, and is the most loving baby. Kisses all the time from my Mr Joe.

He and his big sis get on great, even more so as he is able to communicate better.
mummykay said:
foxymum u def live upto ur name, u look gorgeous in that pic with ur bump!! :D

awww thankyou hun! i miss my bump :D

by the way can i just say what bloody GORGEOUS babies we all have :D & whatever they are doing crawling or not crawling trying to walk or not, they are the most precious things we will ever have & like my hubby says, no baby goes to school not able to walk or with a dummy or nappy on eh? :rotfl: :rotfl:

hugs to mummys & babies :hug: :hug:
Hiya all,
Taylor James is 10 months at the end of the month, he loves to destroy everything in his path, he is to lazy to crawl bout really good on his feet, he for britain! But most of all he is flippin gorgeous and my life!
Lennon is 7 1/2 months now and is JUST ABOUT crawling, he is really really trying and should grasp it in the next few weeks. We have just started weaning him and he is doing quite well with that. He is still saying Mama which is nice :lol: (my husband is gutted tho)
here is baby budge a few weeks ago on the back garden

she was having a go at pole dancing here

and having a game of footie here...

she had her 9 - 12 month review the other day and here are her stats! :lol:

H/C - 44.5
L - 73cm
W - 9.22kg
Thea is almost 9 months old now ( Its hard to believe, it doesn't seem like that long since we brought her home from the hospital!)
She is crawling everywhere and walks around the furniture all day. She stands without holding on to anything but hasn't walked unaided yet (not for the want of trying though lol)

She has two teeth both at the bottom. Thea loves her food and eats pretty much everything but wont eat baby food lol. She can use a spoon properly now and feeds herself absolutely everything.

She is tiny compared to all the kids in her playgroup but she is happy and healthy so im not worried (she is only 15lbs 6oz). Being the smallest certainly doesn't stop her getting stuck into the action with everyone!

Here is the monster at playgroup.


Well Alfie is now 10 months old and he is in one word AWESOME!

he is doing very well with talking belive it or not he says yeah, no, mummy, daddy, got it, good, all gone and hiya! HV is amazed with him. he doesnt stop yabbering away!

he is a BIG fan of chocolate and can actually open the fridge and help himself to any that may be in there.

he can climb the stairs from bottom to top and has a smile for everyone. he waves at you when he sees you gives lots of big sloppy snogs and is very caring.

he doesnt stop for one second and keeps trying to walk but so far he cant but i dont think it will be long before he is walking.

he throws tantrums like you wouldnt believe when he doesnt get his own way, but changes those tears into smiles as soon as he does (naughty mummy)

He is so cheeky and so content he is happy playing with a ball just so long as you throw it for him and he would happily do this all day.

he will eat absoloutely anything you feed him and has 3 full meals a day he has one bottle of milk during the day and one hot chocolate before he goes to sleep and will sleep roughly 13 hours a night (7 - 8)

he has 4 teeth the two top and two bottom and my god its made a difference hes so mild tempered and happy and will just spend all day being your best friend and no trouble.

alfie is to me amazing and every day that goes by i love him more, he is a true credit and i couldnt wish for a happier funnier cheekier little boy. I adore every hair on his head,


flashing those gorgeous toothy pegs


looking very proud of himself for raiding nannies fridge and coming up trumps with a marshmallow teacake thing


doing a runner whilst trying to hide the evidence

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