Sudden night waking - any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2005
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Tom has suddenly started waking in the night crying. If we go in, he stops but as soon as we get to the door he starts again. He's inconsolable. We've tried leaving him but he gets so upset and, in the early hours when we're desperate to sleep, it's just easier to go back in.
Last night I sat next to the cot for half an hour before he fell asleep. He kept looking round to make sure I was there.
Could this be separation anxiety? Has anyone experienced anything similar?
He's not hungry, has clean nappy and no wind so I'm a bit stuck!
L x
emma has started waking in the night but i think its teething with her she just wakes up screaming and nothing cxomforts her :( :hug: :hug: :hug:
luke doing the same i think he is teething also. got some of those ashton and parson powders to try today, see if it helps. quite often i just turn him on his side and he goes off again but sometimes he needs a dummy just to soothe him, hes not hungry.
Harrison was like this when he was teething, he would be fine when we went in the room but as soon as we left he'd get himself so upset, it was like he was telling me he needed me because he was in pain :cry:
Princess_Puddles said:
Harrison was like this when he was teething, he would be fine when we went in the room but as soon as we left he'd get himself so upset, it was like he was telling me he needed me because he was in pain :cry:

Oh that's heartbreaking! Right, tonight I'm going to give him some Bonjela or some Calpol and see if that does the trick.

I think you could be right about the teething as he has all the other symptoms.

Thanks girls.
L x
Jake wakes when he is teething. If I rub Calgel around his mouth and put his dummy back in he usually goes back to sleep right away although sometimes he wants a feed first.

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