such a good day :)


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2008
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I got up this morning to find the post man had tried to deliver my angelsounds (before 8am :shakehead: ) so we had to pop into town to pick it up from the post office.

Anyway while in town we went for a burger king, so while i was sat there stuffing my face with a double whopper, large fries & large milkshake :oops: i felt my tummy vibrate, went to get my mobile phone out of my pocket thinking i had a message only to realise i did not have my phone with me :think: so thanks to my pregnancy brain i sat there looking very confused for a few seconds :lol: then it happened again, my brain finally started working & i realised it was baby wriggeling about :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

To make the day even better when we got home we had a listen to our little wriggler with the angelsounds, only got to hear baby for a few seconds at a time because he/she kept moving :lol:

So ive felt & heard baby for the first time all in one day :dance: :dance: :dance:
YAY Thats awesome :cheer: :D

(I had a BK today aswell...bacon double cheeseburger meal, vanilla milkshake & shortbread icecream...yum)
Ahh, that's great, it's so nice when you feel your LO move isn't it? I'm glad you have posted this because I'm sure I have felt disturbances from inside and keep expecting it to be wind but nothing comes of it :oops: so I guess it must be baby moving :dance: I really fancy a BK now :lol:

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