Stretching pains :-(


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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OWWW :( I am getting stretching pains in my lower abdomin and my lower back its not really, really painfull but its been constant for ages and starting to feel sore did anybody else get this?

I have been getting it for the past two days im not worried about it I know its just my womb changing for the baby but its just so uncomfortable.

i think i had it about a week ago... im not sure if it was strecting pains tho
I had them when i was about 13 wks and found having a warm bath and taking two paracetamol's helped
i have just come on here to look up the same thing!! i thoght it was a little early for braxton hicks, but couldn't think what else it could be. it never occured to me about my womb stretching!!!
it hurts :(
lol just asked my mum if she got them and she said she had them around this time and then all the way through pregnancy " so get used to it " :shock: thanks mum :lol:
dont you just love the way mums "soften" the situation.

my mum said to me the other day:

"oh you were massive when you were born, i was in agony. i had to have that many stitches the doctor lost count. Did you know big babies are hereditary. i think your baby is going to massive"


thanks mum thanks very mcuh, haha
Been having them too since last week, starting to get used to them now, was terrified at first!! No I am fascinated by the way my body is changing and adjusting...arent us women clever!!!!

Have you gone veiny Tash, I have noticed really blue veins on my boobies, belly and even my legs now!!!! They are making me go EEEEKKKKK every time I see another one!!! OH said I looked like a road map this morning!!!??? Charming

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