stretch marks on boobies!


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2005
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I woke up this morning and noticed 2 bright red stretch marks on me puppies! Im gutted, please tell me they go.... i never had any with aimee so why am i getting them now?

Do they normally go down after having the baby?
u might b lucky and have oily skin which will make them less noticeable but for the majority they will stay and go silvery grey!!
use bio oil and moisturiser to minimise them!!
My aunt said to mix together some olive oil and conditioner and rub on with a sponge while in the shower and mine have all just about gone.
I have got them since I have had Jake when breastfeeding as my boobs got quite big and although I don't think they will go they seem o be fading slightly by using bio oil and body butter on alternate days.
Duds said:
I woke up this morning and noticed 2 bright red stretch marks on me puppies! Im gutted, please tell me they go.... i never had any with aimee so why am i getting them now?

Do they normally go down after having the baby?

I'm not sure because I didn't have any but wanted to send you a big hug and hope they go soon for you :hug:
i got none with Dior and loads with Harley :(

none on my boobs but i had big red ones on my belly they were bright red untill about 3 months after i gave birth, now they have no colour but are wrinkly
I got loads of stretch marks on my boobs during puberty.... they are now silvery lines and not really noticeable...
thanks for the tips, i'll give it a go. must admit tend to neglect the boobie area.

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