stress and stuff :(


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2011
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ok, long story.

i came out of hospital this morning after being on a ward since saturday. i had bad stomach pains and some bleeding.
they were worried because there was a very high level of something in my blood, but good news, i had an internal scan and everything is fine :)

i had really high blood pressure, which they commented on, but didnt do anything about, and discharged me while i was still in pain and could hardly walk, also feeling unwell.

last night/early morning i was also assaulted by the police, being knocked around and actually hit in the head and face (bruises to prove it) and they knocked me to the floor at one point. (i just want to say i did not do anything criminal or illegal, again, long story)

im very worried that this would have affected the baby, i have another scan oin the ward in 10 days, i am really traumatized by this event and dont want my stress to affect the baby, or being held on my stomach for a while, and falling on my stomach.

i dont know what to do really. how much would stress affect the baby? im only about 5 weeks, im trying not to worry in case i make it worse, but im scared :(
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having just read this through, i probably sound like an awful person.
but i am still rather worried.
confused :S to be honest with you chick i have read this about 5 times shocked i guess lol if they knew that you was pregnant put in a compliant about them and see if you can have them done as for the bleeding could be implantation not saying it is but i had the same pain and bleeding when i had my implantation bleed if it gets any worse go back to the hospital dont know why they sent you home like that tbh i really hope you and your little bump are ok chick :D xx
Hi sweetie If i were you i would head to see your gp they should by now have a copy of what the hospital found they can explain to you about what was found in your blood and check your blood pressure again.

What happend to you with the police sounds like an awful ordeal ...again mention it to your doctor and see if they will refer you to early pregnancy clinic.. baby is pretty tint and well protected in there so im sure everything will be fine. If you did nothing to cause the treatment from the police you had i would defiantly complain it does sound like rather a rough ordeal

hugs hun
complain complan complain, thats awful and hope all gets sorted for you x
At 5 weeks baby is still very much protected in the pelvic area. You should get checked over though hunny just to make sure but unless you were actually punched or hit with a cosh directly in the stomach I doubt baby would have had any direct physical harm.

The stress is no good for either of you though so get to your gp and ask them to help you with your bp and get a medical assessment to make a complaint against the police.
hey everyone

the midwife rang today and i have my first appointment with her tomorrow :)
so hopefully she will be able to help me with the hospital and everything.

i have complained about the police officer, i think his actual words at one point were 'i dont care if you are pregnant, i will have you on the floor'. took photos of the bruises too.

i have been less stressed today, and have my appetite back at last! :D yay!

hope everyone is ok

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