How often can stress affect your period?
Last nov/Dec I was under a ton of stress through something with my other half and going through alot of training at work to become a manager, how I made it through some weeks I'll never know! But I still had AF visit during the worst week and after that me and my OH decided to see what would bring us when it came to a baby, so I downloaded glow, remembered roughly when AF came and low and behold, when they predicted the next date it was pretty much accurate and has been ever since.
Now it's nothing, but I'm 2 days late....but I did have my period last month, although I don't remember it being as heavy as it normally it, but never the less, I bled for 7 days, as is normal for me, I just didn't have the real heavy flow for the first 3 days or indeed the pains and aches....that I can recall anyway. We had dtd before this period in question, but not around my predicted most fertile time....but can fertile times differ? Can they be earlier or later? Anyway....the thing we went through last December is now rearing it's ugly head again, my other half's quite ill and I'm still working alot, big stress won't come til the summer but seeing as the worst week of my life last year didn't affect my period, but now I'm two days late yet had a period last month and so far over the last 2 days I've had one small amount of brownish discharge and that's it.
Can stress affect your monthlys one month and not the next? Or would it always disrupt your monthly cycle? Cos it's never affected me before this and I don't see how we could be pregnant if I had a period last month and haven't dtd since before that period that did appear.
Probably over thinking, but a little guidance and friendly words of advice would be great. My world could be turning upside down this summer but it could of last Christmas, so why would stress not affect me then but affect me now when now is only news about it, yet last Christmas it was actually it
Last nov/Dec I was under a ton of stress through something with my other half and going through alot of training at work to become a manager, how I made it through some weeks I'll never know! But I still had AF visit during the worst week and after that me and my OH decided to see what would bring us when it came to a baby, so I downloaded glow, remembered roughly when AF came and low and behold, when they predicted the next date it was pretty much accurate and has been ever since.
Now it's nothing, but I'm 2 days late....but I did have my period last month, although I don't remember it being as heavy as it normally it, but never the less, I bled for 7 days, as is normal for me, I just didn't have the real heavy flow for the first 3 days or indeed the pains and aches....that I can recall anyway. We had dtd before this period in question, but not around my predicted most fertile time....but can fertile times differ? Can they be earlier or later? Anyway....the thing we went through last December is now rearing it's ugly head again, my other half's quite ill and I'm still working alot, big stress won't come til the summer but seeing as the worst week of my life last year didn't affect my period, but now I'm two days late yet had a period last month and so far over the last 2 days I've had one small amount of brownish discharge and that's it.
Can stress affect your monthlys one month and not the next? Or would it always disrupt your monthly cycle? Cos it's never affected me before this and I don't see how we could be pregnant if I had a period last month and haven't dtd since before that period that did appear.
Probably over thinking, but a little guidance and friendly words of advice would be great. My world could be turning upside down this summer but it could of last Christmas, so why would stress not affect me then but affect me now when now is only news about it, yet last Christmas it was actually it