strange pains...


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2006
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i dont know if anybody will be on here at this time of night, especialy a friday but im just a little worried.

im about 16 weeks now,
i have weird stabbing pains below my bump at the side, sort of where my ovaries are, around that area. is it my muscles? it feels like cramp, really concentrated bad cramp. it gets so bad i cant stand up straight and have to sit down, it usually lasts 5-20 mins, happens a couple of times a day (for the past 4 days) and is a horrible twinge. ive been told not to worry but i cant help it!!

have you ever had anything similar?
Hi Grace,

Have you done anything which might have caused a strain or pulled muscle? It's really easy to overdo things. I had an ache like that after turning over too quickly in bed one time. It lasted a day or two and had me a bit worried but eased off after that.

You could try a warm bath and some paracetemol. If it continues after the weekend why not give your MW a call or pop to see your GP just to be on the safe side.

Hi Grace

Hope you are feeling a bit better now....

I agree with Sabrina, it sounds like you could have pulled a muscle, or maybe ligament stretching... if it carries on into next week, I would give your MW a bell, just to put your mind at rest. :hug:
I had this to the point of collapsing one day in agony, it turned out to be wind :shock: Kind of embarassing but also a huge relief! Our intestines work much much slower when we are pregnant and as a result you can get quite a lot of build up.... I hope its something as simple as that for you too, let us know how you are doing ... :hug:

Dont worry hun, i still get this alot!!
I've been getting a severe pain in my right side that last 5-10 mins at a time. I had it this morning and then again at lunch time. I also had a a couple of times over the weekend.

I was hoping it was just wind :?

Sounds like a simlar thing to what you're having
I've had similar, early on i had an ovarian cyst and even though it has now shrunk the pain was still there. turns out its all gas! It feels just the same.

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