Stopping BF'ing..


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2011
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How long does it take for your milk supply to completely stop? Also, I assume if you decide to stop breastfeeding then your boobs will become painful, hard and engorged. How long does this feeling last for? And isn't there a risk it'll block your milk ducts up and cause problems?

Mw told me to just stop, ibuprofen helps pain and reduce swelling I had one really bad night where I slept with a cold damp towel on my chest but then took a few more days getting better everyday.
My tips wear a good supporting bra even in bed and take painkillers and dont express or feed at all it will just take longer.

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Yeah they get very sore, dont be tempted to squeeze any milk out as it only prolongs the pain. 3/4 days it went on for me. Ibuprofen, hot faceclothes. I have to be honest, I could barely move, but as I said, doesn't last long!

I stopped BFing when LO was nearly 8 weeks. We took the decision as I got mastitis and was put on my 3rd lot of antibiotics since he was born and we didn't want him exposed to anymore. I fed through the worst of the mastitis and then stopped. I was told by my HV not to just stop as it could cause me to get mastitis again but to start by doing every other feed with formula then, after a few days cut it down again and so on until I stopped altogether. I felt uncomfortable at times but it wasn't too painful and I think by about a week and a half I stopped completely. Due to the antibiotics I did this by expressing which meant that although LO had had some formula before it was a bit of a shock for him to go completely to formula and it took him a while to adjust. Hope that helps x x x
About 4 days for mine, for me I found mornings and last thing at night worst so used to have a hot shower and give my boobs extra time under the shower. I still leaked through the night for about 10 days but they weren't painful after 4
Thanks for the helpful replies. I've been breastfeeding for about 6 weeks and decided to stop. I've been combination feeding him for weeks now but mainly bf'ing and using formula a few times in the day and in the evening.

I've not breastfed him until about 5am this morning and they've started getting quite hard (left is worse then the right). I've got a little bit of pain at the top of my left and can feel a lump or two aswell. They're both also leaking a lot more then usual. Shall I just keep with it and not do anything with them? I won't get mastitis will I?

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Mine got like that I even got red patches on the skin and for the one night felt like they were on fire its normal.
Oh and I was soaking wet on a morning from leaking.
Just stick with it if they dont start getting better in a couple of days speak to your hv x

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my mum said a hot bath really relieved her boobs when they were engorged
Cabbage leaves are a godsend! Especially when they've been put in the fridge and then in your bra x
Hey Hun I posted about this a few days ago as I've just stopped after 7 months. Ive done it gradually over about 5 weeks. Sunday was really painful but now the pain has subsided alot. They're still full and hard but not as painful! X

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8 yrs ago with my first I was told wearing a very tight bra or even 2 helps to dry up milk faster!
Thanks for the tips. I've gone over 24hrs without breastfeeding or expressing now. The pain hasn't been too bad if I'm honest - I expected it to be a lot worse! Maybe it's because my body wasn't used to a lot of breastfeeding cos I was also formula feeding too?

They're hard and lumpy and leaking A LOT. It doesn't seem to stop at all, not even for a minute!

I'm wearing a bra all the time, slept in one and will continue doing so.

Didn't realise how guilty I'd feel :( I feel really bad for some reason and almost full of regret, but deep down I know it's the best choice overall
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Hey hun don't feel bad youre doing a great and at the end of the day you have to do what's best for you and LO :)

I know what you mean as I feel exactly the same but happy mummy = happy baba :) xx

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