
Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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.... there is a friend at work who will not stop touching, stroking, groping my belly! i have always been a bit on the larger side and hated anything directed at my tummy before i was pregnant... just becuase there is a baby inside of it now DOES NOT MEAN I WANT IT TOUCHED 24/7 i wouldnt mind but i cant even walk across the nursery playroom without her walking next to me with her hands on my tummy. she comes up behind me and just stands there stroking it.... i dont really have the guts to say "GET OOOOOOOOOOOOFF ME" and it makes it worse becuase she sweetly says" ooo do i annoy you keep touching your tummy"....and i cant exactly say "YES" lol :evil:

is anyone else finding this????????????????
Make up an excuse like you have pregnant skin itching or something and that its sore if she touches it.
yep i know exactly how u feel!!

i dont mind people touching my belly, but doing it without asking, or stroking is pretty frickin annoying!! :roll:

i dont know how to say "STOP IT" without sounding stupid, or them thinking im hormonal or something lol!!!
People generally stay away from my belly, not really sure why, maybe i give off "scary" vibes lol. (thinking aobut it i have had a few girls think that when they fuck around with my bf i was gonna go beat them up :shock: i couldnt do that if i tried, not my style :shakehead: )

I like it when my mum and sister touch my bump, and Dave's always touching it, i also dont mind if random little kids are interested, you can always feel her if you have a little poke so its quite nice.

However, if i was out and about and someone touched it they'd get evil stares :twisted: to leave my belly alone!! I'm very protective of her, i LOVE showing my bumpage off but dont like it being touched or even rubbed past by people i dont know
oh my god my partners mum keeps touching it ALL the time it drives me insane it makes me angry just thinking about!! RAAAARRRR as soon as i see her she starts talking to my bump in a stupid voice and rubs it and says every 5 minutes "is she moving, whats she up to?" Like the hell im supposed to know!! I find myself lying and saying "shes not doing anything in there", just so she doesnt come over and prod me!! And sometimes if i look a bit annoyed she will say "you dont mind me stroking her do you" and im like no no its fine, but really its not!! :twisted: Im just too gutless and dont have the heart to say its annoying me :oops:
RAAARRRRRRR im getting a sweat up now!!! i have to go round for dinner later :wall: :rotfl: :rotfl:
ive just got back from my mums house, and my stepdad always comes up behind me and holds my belly, its effing sick! :puke:

today even my mum said stop touching my daughter! even i dont do that, i took her words as a chance for me to zip my hoodie up and get him off me.
I must give off don't you dare touch me vibes as no one has touched without asking. I would have to say something if they did though...I have a strong opinion about it still being my stomach and since it would be rude to go up to anyone and pat their stomach I don't see why it changes if you're pregnant. I do like members of my close family touching and talking to my bump as that's affectionate but acquaintances and worse still strangers thinking they can touch my bump is just plain rude.....OK rant over!!!! :oops:
I reckon I have do no touch vibes too! My MIL touches it occasionally, but no-one else does, thank god!
I keep Oscar encased in a big hoody at work and so far seems to be working. As it is my last week I have had people I know give it a stroke every now and again but luckily there is no extended periods of groping yet. The thought of strangers grabbing me freaks me out, at least it has been people I know so far :D

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