

Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2011
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Hi :wave:

I really like the Sleepi cot, Xplory puschair and Izisleep car seat by stokke :love: I know they are expensive but baby isn't due until September, so it gives me time to save :)

I just wondered if anyone else is thinking of buying them or has anyone used or had experience of these products?

Any help would be fantastic!!

Thank you xxx
Hiya I have a Stokke pram.

Now I do love it. I worked really hard and bought it myself with the overtime I did. But there are a few things with it that really piss me off!


- Its really high up so if you have a C section/bad back it's easier getting baby in and out.

- If you or your partner is tall it's really good.

- When eating out, can be used as a high chair as it just pushes against the table at the right height.

- Elevated out the path of exhaust fumes (good if like me you use it most in a city centre).

- Folds onto two wheels for escalators and pulling up stairs. No need to wait for the lift.

- exceptionally easy to manoeuvre and very lightweight when you push it.

- footmuff is brilliant and very warm. You don't need a separate carrcot sleeping bag. Don't waste your money, just use the split leg footmuff.

- get the drinks holder. I blagged mine as part of the deal. Very handy.

- car Seat clips really good and easy to put on.


- quite bulky so not the easiest to fold into the boot. I can get the carrycot/pushchair bit in and the base in the boot at a push. I found the fabric was getting scratched though so I put the vase in the boot and the carrycot upright behind the passenger seat. Means you lose a seat in the car. Go on the Stokke page on Facebook for examples of the prams folded into the boots of different cars.

- the hook on the shopping bag restricts the pram from 'locking' when folded. So if you don't take the bag off when putting away it's a farce trying to get the base to stay shut together whilst you put in the boot.

- don't bother with the Stokke changing bag, it isn't big enough. I got the bugaboo leatherette bag in the sale at mothercare and as the wide handle is rubber backed it easily stays on the Stokke handles (the only bag I found that does!).

- shopping bag is not the biggest. You can't get clips to fit the big wide handle either as it is non load bearing.

- might just be my pram but I find it really hard sometimes to get it to fold down. The buttons you press together are really fiddly and my legs only just reach the foot pedal to fold down/put onto two wheels. I've got long legs too!

- the newborn insert on the pushchair actually restricts the safety straps. With the newborn insert and footmuff in place the straps aren't long enough to close together. (I've been meaning to complain to Stokke about this because it's unsafe and stupid). When he's in the pushchair bit I have to have it practically horizontal so that he doesn't fall out. Kind of defeats the object though so i've stopped using this bit and gone back to the carrycot. Annoying really because he likes to look around.

If I had my time over again, even though I adore the pram I don't think I would get it. It was extremely expensive and I feel some of the negatives really do get on my nerves (especially the straps not fastening!). Then again, he's only 3 months old and the pushchair bit is supposed to be brilliant - especially when eating out and there's no suitable high chairs.

My friend has the babystyle oyster in the same colour as my Stokke and it's just as good (if not better in some ways - the lack of space to put shopping is hard work at times with the stokke) and hers was a good £500 less than mine!


It looks beautiful! Thank you so much for your post!! If I manage to save enough, this will be my third :shock: pushchair!! 1st was a mothercare own-brand, which was great but when lo was born I realised I wanted him to be able to face me too (actually used it the other day and was impossible to push lo in it now he is older). 2nd was a maxi cosi mura 3, I thought it was brilliant at the time but after using it for just over a year, I definately have some major gripes, but I think thats going to happen with any pushchair (well it does with me, must have a pushchair addiction):shock:
My sister works for mothercare and I had a really play with it, taking it apart and put lo in it, pushed him around the shop :) I couldn't believe how easy it was to push with a 2 year old in!!!!

I've got a vauxhall zafira so boot space isn't too much of a problem. My maxi cosi is difficult to fold down but I'm ok with that, OH just stands there swears and says 'you do it!' He never did get the hang of it :rofl:

I really like the height as I was pushing lo through town the other day and two dogs started fighting right in front of his pushchair, luckily I pulled him back quick enough otherwise he would have been bitten :shock: Stupid owners just stood there!!:mad:

Do you mind if I ask where you got yours from? I've been looking on kiddicare and they are doing a deal on the pushchair and carry cot.

Thank you so much
I got mine through (they are based in Warrington but sure they deliver). They price matched and I got the following for £935:

Xplory base
Xplory carrycot & raincover
Xplory pushchair & raincover
Xplory footmuff
Fly net
Shopping bag
Cup holder
Travel case
Maxi Cosi car seat
Family fix base

Think that was all?
Wow!! Thats a fantastic deal! How on earth did you manage to get all that!!?? I'm rubbish, (really shy) so I'm not very good at talking people into giving me good deals :blush:
You have been amazing! Thank you x

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