I cant remember how much our doppler was but it wan't anymore than £30. Its lovely for my husband to hear the baby too, because I can feel the wriggles and kicks but hearing the heartbeat reassures him.
Ive been told to take my progesterone rectally, took a bit of getting used to, lol! But it doesn't cause any mess like it would vaginally.
You say you'd love to learn how to knit or stitch, maybe nows the time to learn, you've got plenty of free time on your hands!!
Im with you on the worrying, im fed up of thinking 'what if' all the time!!! A friend of mine put a picture on facebook this morning that said something like 'don't worry about things because worrying changes nothing' so true, I just wish I could!
This is our second baby and if everything goes ok and we take home a lovely healthy baby, it'll definately be our last! Its so hard being pregnant and needing to rest lots with an energetic 4yr old around. We normally do lots of activities, swimming, soft play etc, but thats all had to stop now and we spend lots of time at home and he gets quite bored sometimes and finding quiet things for him and I to do is difficult. I end up feeling like a rubbish mum, but have to think of this baby too. My husband does all the energetic things with him now, they went swimming Saturday, he was so excited I thought he was gonna burst, bless him......thats my son, not my husband, lol!