stich and bedrest ! anybody fancy a texting buddy


Mar 16, 2013
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Im 16 weeks pregnant and had a stich put in my cervix now on besrest and feel really lobely ! Got 2 kids and a fab partner but ak really fed up with theis bedrest malarky but no i have to for babies sake just wondered if anybody fancied swapping tips messages etc
thanks and good luck guys
There seems to be such different advice when it comes to stitches. I had mine at 14wks as mine shortened during my last pregnancy, I had a low lying placenta as well which didn't help and eventually I delivered my son at 28wks. He's doing fine now. My consultant is so laid back about my stitch and has said just to carry on as usual, I can't get my head around that though! So I'm taking it easy, no housework, no sex and no lifting. I'm still working but have a desk job, so to be honest am probably sat down more than I would be at home with my son!!
I've researched cervical stitches online and there's so much conflicting information, I just don't know what to believe. I had my 20wk scan last week and all appeared to be fine, I go back for another scan and see my consultant at 28wks , which feels ages away! I think once I get past that point, when my son arrived might settle a bit more. Every twinge, ache or pain sets me off worrying!!
I had a succeasfull one last time and deliverwd at 41wks thought she was never gonna come ! Dis u have u have ur stich in wen u went in to labour ? Ive been told to give up work n take early maternity x just feel useless doibg nothibg ! Do wat ur having x
By the time they realised my cervix was shortening and funnelling they said it was too late to stitch, hence why he came early. they admitted me on bed rest for 2 weeks, it would have been longer if i didnt create a fuss, so went home on bed rest, but it took 5 weeks from there for him to arrive. So this time they weren't taking any chances, they stitched me early and put me on progesterone too. So in your last pregnancy your stitch did the trick then if you got to 41wks!! Were you on bed rest that time too or did you carry on as normal? We didn't find out what we were having, we didn't with my son and love the idea of a surprise!
Hiya yes n she was a hefty 8 pound 4 ! I was told after 2 late misscarraigeas n one atill birth i had groub b strep n incop ceervix but last time i could be on my feet for 6 hrs per day this time its full bedeeat so i defo no things were serious down south ! I disnt find the sex out with lacey itvwas a lovely surprise x this tike my partner is really eager x im on cyclogest and heparin as gained a good few pounds since lacey as ya do x so when r u actually due ?
That is a good weight, my little one was 2lb 13oz, so praying this time I can have a hefty one! I'm due 28 July, it feels ages away!! So what are you doing with your daughter while you're on bed rest? When I'm resting my son always wants something or wants to play, so lots of cbeebies in our house! He goes to nursery during the week, so that helps wear him out!
laceys 5 so at full time school and my neighbour takes her has been as i worked n she was my childminder x wow tiny wasnt he bet hes made up for it now lol i have a 12 year old sk shes very helpfull with the lil.un n yes cbeebies is a god send ! even ive started singing then tunes lol it does seem far but soon fly x
poop ! so bored ! have sat in a chair in washed up had a scare the other day but all ok hows things ur end ? whens ur due date ?
Yeh I'm good thanks, physically all seems fine, I just worry about everything! I'm 22+1 now, so just entering the point where things started to go wrong last time, so that's given me extra stuff to worry about, lol!I'm lucky that I only work term time so off for the next fortnight, so I intend to do a lot of lying on the sofa. I'm due 28 July, what about you?
Sorry to hear you had a scare, hope everything is ok x
hiya 19 n 22 wks r also my late losses however i never had a stich in with them babies so im a bit note hopefull i think we all worry throughout untill babys here x have u thought of any namea ? yep my girls break up thur so nice lay ins n a bitta company at home as crqzy as it will be ! x
My obstetrician has given me some antibiotics I have to take this week, she said as a preventative measure against infection, i gad to takd them after my stitch and then again st 16wks, they're in a sort of tampon applicator, so easy to use. She's great as she seems like she wants to cover all possibilities, so is reassuring, although I'd rather her move in with a portable ultrasound scanner for the rest of my pregnancy, lol!! How do you fill your days while on bed rest? I find just sat resting hard enough. How long are they keeping you on bed rest for?
i think medxiation avalible these days r fab im on cyxlogest pesseries to thucken the cervix n wall will be on them till 37wks was given cyldimcin for my grp.b strep to be fair id drink toilet xkeaner if it meant having a healthy baby lol ive been looking t hirering one of them dopllers so i can hear babys heartbeat but to be able to see baby everyday would be amazing but i would become.ocd with it lol im on bedrest untill 28 30 wks n after that still not bk to normal duties i am very down qbout ir but not much i can do xx
I'm on cyclogest too till 34wks. We bought a Doppler in our first pregnancy and it was great and really reassuring, I used it a lot to start with in this pregnancy, but now the little one moves around so much I find I don't need to use it as often. I can understand you are down being on bed rest, I found it really hard going last time too, the days are so long and you tend to have time to sit and worry and over-think things. There's only so many magazines you can read and tv you can watch! I'm not usually into handy crafts but ended up doing a cross stitch for my baby and later added his name and date of birth, I just needed a project to get into. Its on his shelf in his room now and I'm actually quite proud of it!! Lol!
cyclogest is awfull n oily been wearing a pad lol things we do x yep n moved to a kindaa new area and so most of my mates arent local n work only family n hubby around i think ive read just about every take a breqk n cgat mag out ! tv is doing ne head in ! ive ordered a dopller 9pm how much was it to buy ? this is our last baby we have four between us this will be 5 ! id love to learn how to stich or knit ! wish id learnt take my mind of worring so hard to message on here im using ne fone n touch screen is a knightmare x
I cant remember how much our doppler was but it wan't anymore than £30. Its lovely for my husband to hear the baby too, because I can feel the wriggles and kicks but hearing the heartbeat reassures him.
Ive been told to take my progesterone rectally, took a bit of getting used to, lol! But it doesn't cause any mess like it would vaginally.
You say you'd love to learn how to knit or stitch, maybe nows the time to learn, you've got plenty of free time on your hands!!
Im with you on the worrying, im fed up of thinking 'what if' all the time!!! A friend of mine put a picture on facebook this morning that said something like 'don't worry about things because worrying changes nothing' so true, I just wish I could!
This is our second baby and if everything goes ok and we take home a lovely healthy baby, it'll definately be our last! Its so hard being pregnant and needing to rest lots with an energetic 4yr old around. We normally do lots of activities, swimming, soft play etc, but thats all had to stop now and we spend lots of time at home and he gets quite bored sometimes and finding quiet things for him and I to do is difficult. I end up feeling like a rubbish mum, but have to think of this baby too. My husband does all the energetic things with him now, they went swimming Saturday, he was so excited I thought he was gonna burst, bless him......thats my son, not my husband, lol!
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i have just hired one n gonna see how i go my main problem ia coz im a buggish girl i proberly wont feel movements as much as a slimmer person would again like u also hubby can here x
i been having some problems down below b dont bo if its normal teying to look onlibe to see but so many reviews !!!! ahhh i bet he was well chuffed i miss bot being able to take my girls cinema etc did they have a good time ? hubbys cooking tobight never thought id say i missed coojking lol i av ordered some knitting bits ofline n will watch a demo on utube fingers crossed !
I will look forward to hearing how the knitting is going! What are you going to knit first? You might surprise yourself and be a real pro at it, lol! I surprised myself with my cross stitch! Ive ordered another one today to do one for this baby too, I was a bit scared to order it, Ive been like that in this pregnancy, I worry these things may jinx it! My hubbie started the babys room and it made me feel really anxious, he's more of a practical person and sees that it needs doing and doesn't really understand my fear of jinxing everything!

Sorry you're having a few problems with your 'lady bits', hope its nothing too serious and you soon get the answers you need. I struggled with thrush a few weeks back that would not go, I ended up on another course of treatment for it, fortuntately its gone now, but I reckon this antibiotic cream im on will probably start it up again! Theres always something!!!
My little one is home now for 2 weeks with me, being the Easter hols, we're only on day 2 and he's bored already! He's even bored of DVD's, which is unheard of in our house!

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