Spotting before period - hormone imbalance?


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2018
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In January I had an early miscarriage and think a chemical pregnancy in June. My periods and ovulation are like clockwork but since the miscarriage I have had an issue with midcycle spotting, usually in the week leading up to my period.

I have been seeing an accupuncturist for 3 months which has really helped with my stress levels, sleep and has improved the quality of my period as it is now red blood with few clots. (Search YouTube for a fertility expert called Marc Sklar) But the spotting continues.

It has been suggested that I now speak to a herbalist but tbh it's a minefield and all of these treatments cost money....not as much as IVF but still it's an expensive business.

Has anyone had this spotting issue and if so what did you do about it? I am 42 and this has only happened since the miscarriage in January. I have had a HydroCosy and my tubes and womb are fine.

Thanks for any advice, feeling pretty low.
I had it when I was overweight. The fertility doctor said it wasn't an issue. Once I lost the weight it stopped.
I had this issue for ages. I went to the gp a few times. Had blood checked all normal. Still I spotted for 5 days before af came sometimes it was 9 days. I was just over two and a half years of trying and wasconvinced it was my major issue. Ended up with a laprascopy in jan and Iv mild endo. But my consultant told me it wasn’t an issue and it wasn’t the reason I hadn’t conceived. I found the months I tried really hard to be healthy and active were the months my spotting reduced. I ate healthy diet no alochol went to the gym. It never really went away. I spotted the month I got my bfp. It’s so frustrating having it. Have you had blood taken by gp? I was convinced it was my progesterone levels but all was ok.
I had this issue for ages. I went to the gp a few times. Had blood checked all normal. Still I spotted for 5 days before af came sometimes it was 9 days. I was just over two and a half years of trying and wasconvinced it was my major issue. Ended up with a laprascopy in jan and Iv mild endo. But my consultant told me it wasn’t an issue and it wasn’t the reason I hadn’t conceived. I found the months I tried really hard to be healthy and active were the months my spotting reduced. I ate healthy diet no alochol went to the gym. It never really went away. I spotted the month I got my bfp. It’s so frustrating having it. Have you had blood taken by gp? I was convinced it was my progesterone levels but all was ok.

Thanks for your reply Liz and congratulations on your BFP - you give me hope x I had bloods taken the first month after the early miscarriage and everything was fine but the spotting probably started the month after that. I am being super healthy with my diet and cooking everything fresh, cut out coffee and alcohol altogether and taking all the vitamins + accupuncture. I know 42 is older but a few of my friends have had babies naturally at this age and I live in hope that its going to be us.
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I used to have 2-3 days of spotting before periods which I never really gave much thought to. Once we started fertility investigations, the found I had an endometrial polyp. Once I got that removed, I didn't have any more spotting. It was clearly the polyp that was causing it and in my case it wasn't 'normal'. In most cases, doctors don't seem to consider spotting to be an issue in itself and if I'd complained about it, I don't think they'd have gone looking for a problem. It just happened to get picked up as I needed to have a scan before they referred me to the fertility clinic. As your hycosy was normal, I doubt you have any similar issues but I thought I'd share as my case was an example of spotting that was caused by something else and I think from reading on here doctors are often quick to dismiss it.
I’ve been ttc for 2 years and am currently having tests done regarding my spotting and acne which I never used to get. I have had fertility tests (all fine) done a year ago and mentioned it at the time but was always ignored. I went back to doctors recently specifically about it and they took me seriously this time and are testing. I definitely recommend getting it checked out, for your peace of mind if nothing else. Xx
I used to have 2-3 days of spotting before periods which I never really gave much thought to. Once we started fertility investigations, the found I had an endometrial polyp. Once I got that removed, I didn't have any more spotting. It was clearly the polyp that was causing it and in my case it wasn't 'normal'. In most cases, doctors don't seem to consider spotting to be an issue in itself and if I'd complained about it, I don't think they'd have gone looking for a problem. It just happened to get picked up as I needed to have a scan before they referred me to the fertility clinic. As your hycosy was normal, I doubt you have any similar issues but I thought I'd share as my case was an example of spotting that was caused by something else and I think from reading on here doctors are often quick to dismiss it.

Thanks for sharing that. I think i’ll go back to my doctor and ask again. Hope you find some answers x
I had this issue for ages. I went to the gp a few times. Had blood checked all normal. Still I spotted for 5 days before af came sometimes it was 9 days. I was just over two and a half years of trying and wasconvinced it was my major issue. Ended up with a laprascopy in jan and Iv mild endo. But my consultant told me it wasn’t an issue and it wasn’t the reason I hadn’t conceived. I found the months I tried really hard to be healthy and active were the months my spotting reduced. I ate healthy diet no alochol went to the gym. It never really went away. I spotted the month I got my bfp. It’s so frustrating having it. Have you had blood taken by gp? I was convinced it was my progesterone levels but all was ok.

Thanks for your reply Liz and congratulations on your BFP - you give me hope x I had bloods taken the first month after the early miscarriage and everything was fine but the spotting probably started the month after that. I am being super healthy with my diet and cooking everything fresh, cut out coffee and alcohol altogether and taking all the vitamins + accupuncture. I know 42 is older but a few of my friends have had babies naturally at this age and I live in hope that its going to be us.

Yes don’t let it discourage you I got so down about it was convinced I’d never have a baby cause of it and now iv a two week old son. Keep positive and Iv everything crossed for you. Don’t let gp tell you it’s normal. It probably is but I got so tired of being told it’s nothing and it’s conpletely normal that I demanded a ultrasound scan. Which I had and they saw a cyst. It meant I had a laprascopy and although they said nothing really was seen to be causing infertility I belive it helped me have my son x
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I had this issue for ages. I went to the gp a few times. Had blood checked all normal. Still I spotted for 5 days before af came sometimes it was 9 days. I was just over two and a half years of trying and wasconvinced it was my major issue. Ended up with a laprascopy in jan and Iv mild endo. But my consultant told me it wasn’t an issue and it wasn’t the reason I hadn’t conceived. I found the months I tried really hard to be healthy and active were the months my spotting reduced. I ate healthy diet no alochol went to the gym. It never really went away. I spotted the month I got my bfp. It’s so frustrating having it. Have you had blood taken by gp? I was convinced it was my progesterone levels but all was ok.

Thanks for your reply Liz and congratulations on your BFP - you give me hope x I had bloods taken the first month after the early miscarriage and everything was fine but the spotting probably started the month after that. I am being super healthy with my diet and cooking everything fresh, cut out coffee and alcohol altogether and taking all the vitamins + accupuncture. I know 42 is older but a few of my friends have had babies naturally at this age and I live in hope that its going to be us.

Yes don’t let it discourage you I got so down about it was convinced I’d never have a baby cause of it and now iv a two week old son. Keep positive and Iv everything crossed for you. Don’t let gp tell you it’s normal. It probably is but I got so tired of being told it’s nothing and it’s conpletely normal that I demanded a ultrasound scan. Which I had and they saw a cyst. It meant I had a laprascopy and although they said nothing really was seen to be causing infertility I belive it helped me have my son x

Totally agree with Liz. You don't want to pin your hopes on it as in many cases it is normal but doctors seem to just assume this is the case without investigation. I know without question that if I had gone to the doctor just about the spotting itself, no one would have been interested. It was only because we were TTC that they happened to fine the polyp and then the spotting stopped.

My experience of the NHS Fertility Clinic was especially poor and we were met with nothing but resistance in terms of investigations and told that our chances of natural conception were zero without any real evidence. We then conceived naturally around 6 months after the polyp was removed after trying for 3 years in total. I'm not convinced that was a coincidence. If you really want it investigated, you really will have to push for it. Lots of ladies on here report similar.
I'm going through this as well since last month. I had a cyst but I don't think I do now and yet I'll spot for 7 days just brown then bleed for 7 days. Idk when to count first day of period so idk when I ovulate
Hi MomtoSix,

The first day of your period is the first day of red flowing blood. Anything before that is just spotting and doesn't count. That's what I was told by both my doctor and the accupuncturist.
I've used ovulation test kits in the past but it was getting expensive so I now go by my cervical mucus and have sex every two days that week.

I've also been reading in a different thread that the pre-natal multivitamins gave some people spotting and when they stopped taking them the spotting stopped. I might go back to just the folic acid and Vitamin D and see if it makes a difference.
Hi MomtoSix,

The first day of your period is the first day of red flowing blood. Anything before that is just spotting and doesn't count. That's what I was told by both my doctor and the accupuncturist.
I've used ovulation test kits in the past but it was getting expensive so I now go by my cervical mucus and have sex every two days that week.

I've also been reading in a different thread that the pre-natal multivitamins gave some people spotting and when they stopped taking them the spotting stopped. I might go back to just the folic acid and Vitamin D and see if it makes a difference.

I have read that maca (which is in some fertility supplements) can mess up cycles for some women. It's definitely worth coming off the vits and seeing what happens. I only take the ones you mention plus zinc. If you eat well it's fine.
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I am going to pay for blood tests to check my hormones as my GP is being dismissive - 'have a holiday, relax!' I just want to know if its low progesterone so I can try and do something about it.

My accupuncturist has also suggested that I start charting my BBt (basal body temperature) as well so she can try and help me with alternative medicine if it is low pregesterone.

Thanks. Baby dust to you all x

I am going to pay for blood tests to check my hormones as my GP is being dismissive - 'have a holiday, relax!' I just want to know if its low progesterone so I can try and do something about it.

My accupuncturist has also suggested that I start charting my BBt (basal body temperature) as well so she can try and help me with alternative medicine if it is low pregesterone.

Thanks. Baby dust to you all x

As you're over 35 and been trying for over 6 months, you would be entitled to basic fertility blood tests on the NHS, including progesterone. As you've already had a hycosy, I wonder if you've had those already?
Hi Moomingirl,
I had bloods taken the month after the early miscarriage but I wasn’t spotting then. The spotting only started a couple of months after and has continued since then. We have paid for the AMH and hydrocosy as too old to get anything free on the NHS. I have a red hot credit card bill but don’t have any other option, apart from winning the lottery x
Update - thought i’d Share the latest for anyone with same issue.
Spoke to fertility doctor today and she said that a hormone imbalance wouldn’t stop me getting pregnant and that I shouldn’t worry about it. She said trying to balance the hormones by taking progesterone might mess up my cycle and cause more problems.
She also said the luteal phase bleeding could be caused by a polyp but the hydrocosy test would have picked that up.
So basically she told me not to worry about it - so I’m going to try not to!

Next step is to have my Thyroid checked as if it’s low they give you some drug to balance it to support implantation.
Baby dust to all x
Update - thought i’d Share the latest for anyone with same issue.
Spoke to fertility doctor today and she said that a hormone imbalance wouldn’t stop me getting pregnant (because my cycle & ovulation are like clockwork) and that I shouldn’t worry about it. She said trying to balance the hormones by taking progesterone drugs might mess up my cycle and cause more problems.
She also said the luteal phase bleeding could be caused by a polyp but the hydrocosy test would have picked that up.
So basically she told me not to worry about it - so I’m going to try not to!
Bear in mind I’m 42 and we’re all different, just sharing in case it helps others ask their doctor the right questions.
Next step is to have my Thyroid checked as if it’s low they give you some drug to balance it to support implantation.
Baby dust to all x
Bambi42, you mentioned you paid for fertility tests was you not able to get testing done on nhs? I’ve got appointment with fertility clinic in a few weeks and I am similar age. I was under the impression we could get tests done but not treatment on nhs??
Bambi42, you mentioned you paid for fertility tests was you not able to get testing done on nhs? I’ve got appointment with fertility clinic in a few weeks and I am similar age. I was under the impression we could get tests done but not treatment on nhs??

Hi Pebbles,

Sorry I only spotted this reply now. I think it might depend on where you live but my GP said that I could get the basic tests done on the NHS but that the waiting list was 9-12 months and it was unlikely that I'd get the tests done together. So I could have got one test and then waited another however many months for the next one and they needed both results to get an idea of what was going on. She suggested at 42 I didn't have that time to wait.

The AMH blood test was £100 and the Hydrocosy was £450. I think other places do an ultrasound thing that costs less than the hydrocosy but we didn't get that option. (My credit card is red hot)

Having been back to the specialist I asked if we could try for another while naturally and she said probably best not to leave it any longer than another 6 months.... I'll be 43 by then. I've just started using the free app Fertility Friend to try and record what's going on with my BBT to see if it highlights any info about why I'm spotting. The doctor disregards that but my accupuncturist doesn't. My head is scrambled.

Good luck to you x

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