Spotting at 6 weeks advice needed


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2011
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Hi girls I'm asking for advice for my best friend who has had slight cramping and blood streaked cm today she is 6weeks and 39 yrs old, is this too late to be implantation bleeding? And have any of you had a similar experience sorry I know its not me but I'd like to be able to advise her xx thanks for any replies in.advance XXX
i would say it was too late for implantation. I would suggest that she goes to the epu at her hospital to get a scan. it's the best way to know for sure whats happening. I had bleeding early on with my mc and my doctor told me not to worry, it turned out is was probably my body trying to mc but didn't. I got to 12 weeks before i mc'ed naturally so I would definitely skip the docs and go straight for the hospital for any signs of bleeding.

I hope it turns out ok for her, :hugs: xx
Thanks Kanga I did tell her to go to the hospital, she said she called earlier and they fobbed her off with IB she is working till 5pm (she's a Childminder) she said she will see if it eases up, keeping my fingers crossed xx
hi DaisyPurple
I had light spotting at 6 weeks, i had my scan on Monday (12 weeks) and eveything is absoloutly fine with the baby even the heart was beating just fine! so it could be one of those things.
I'm so pleased to hear that I bet you were thrilled and made up to hear the heartbeat xx
yes i was! i was so scared when i saw it, it was only few wipes and it was gone, sorry for the too much info lol, but then i was worried for the next 6 weeks, never saw it again though!! every woman is different! I am so relieved to see that our baby is ok, it wouldnt stop wriggling around on the screen!! lol...hope your friend is ok xxx
Thanks x good to hear your little wriggler is doing well XXX
I hope the bleeding has eased up for ur friend, fx it is nothing. If it has stopped I probably wouldn't worry, but if she was to get anymore or it continued I would recommend phoning the hospital again. I don't want to be the scaremounger but I had a horrible experience and had no idea, I even had really bad morning sickness yet my bean was gone. Xxx
I really appreciate your advice hunny I called her about 20 mins ago she said she felt a lot better but I knew she was having her tea and her partner and kids were there too so she would have said that anyway ill see her in.the morning though and she knows to let me know if any change xx
i had it aorund that time and contacted my local EPU and they scanned me and then again 2 weeks later which was yesterday and all was good, EPU's are great so if in doubt get there x
I wud make sure she getsz checked out. Mone started withh
A small bit! And as u know went on to mc. Devastated but glad I found out before I passed baby. - alsio think it wud be awful ~o ge t to 12 weekd loike kanga only to be told. Love n luck to her x

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