

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2011
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I am suffering really badly at the moment with spots on the top of my back, the tops of my arms and my chest. It's really annoying me. They are bright red, sometimes with a tiny bit of puss (sorry for TMI, sounds really gross) and painful to the touch.

I'm sure I had this with Lennon too (although that was a long time ago) and I'm sure it was pregnancy acne but I can't remember if I was given anything for them.

I know I need to go to the Dr but it's just so hard at the moment as I don't want to take anymore time off in work time and I can't take Lennon with me as he doesn't know about the pregnancy yet.

It's just making me feel rubbish especially thinking I could have these all through the summer.
awww that’s pants hun. I have had some big fat evil spots all over my face last few weeks, but seemed to have eased off now....maybe yours will to? Sorry can’t offer any advice, does your doctors’ surgery offer phone appointments, or maybe you could get some advice from a pharmacist at Boots or somewhere?
Hello DW :wave:

Im off to the doc's on Monday, my face is terrible, I know i can suffer from acne if my hormones change but this is the worse I have ever seen it!! :wall2:
Every time I have seen the midwife or doc they tell me dont worry it should clear up after 12 weeks when your hormones balance out, well it seems to be getting worse not better, and I have just passed 12 weeks! Im getting to the point where I don't want to leave the house
I will let you know how I get on and what they suggest xxx
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That sounds horrid hun :( Hugs. I had an allergic reaction to Bepanthen (on my tattoos) a few weeks ago (before pregnancy) and had massive red puss filled itchy spots all down my arm so can sympathise :(
i have also had a break out f spots on my face its horrible :(
im just waiting for my early preg scan now and ill ask midwife about it x

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