Soy isoflavones


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2008
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Hi all,

I've totally hit a wall! So upset my af has started to show her face today on cd43!!!!

My gp is crap I have zero people to talk to my husband doesn't understand how inadequate I feel as a women and people keep telling me to relax it will happen! NO it won't!!!! It hasn't in 3 years so no relaxing will not work!!!

Rant over sorry :(

My question is I'm going to try soy this cycle as a last ditch attempt to have a sibling for my daughter! What doseage and cds do you guys suggest?

Thanks for reading I really needed to moan feel like I've cried my last tear today :(
Hi Anon123,

I am sorry I can't help with your question about dosage etc as I have never used soy isoflavones but I just wanted to say hi and that you are not alone. You always have everyone on this forum and you never have to apologise for rants or voicing your thoughts- that's what everyone is here for- to support you hehe

I suppose this is a stupid question but you mentioned your GP is crap- have you changed GP? I mean if you have been ttc for 3 years your GP should really be doing something!!

Take care and lots of baby dust xx
Hi all,

I've totally hit a wall! So upset my af has started to show her face today on cd43!!!!

My gp is crap I have zero people to talk to my husband doesn't understand how inadequate I feel as a women and people keep telling me to relax it will happen! NO it won't!!!! It hasn't in 3 years so no relaxing will not work!!!

Rant over sorry :(

My question is I'm going to try soy this cycle as a last ditch attempt to have a sibling for my daughter! What doseage and cds do you guys suggest?

Thanks for reading I really needed to moan feel like I've cried my last tear today :(

I can't advise on soy but just wanted to give you a huge squishy virtual hug.

GP's are professionals, you should call your surgery, tell them you're not satisfied and want to see a different doctor. You should be getting fertility help by now.

Wishing you the very best xxx
Thanks for the response! I've been seen by three gps over the years same practice though and all have said that as u have a child there is nothing they can do except refer me to a private clinic :( I am very against any invasive procedures like ivf and iui but clomid and fertility tests I would appreciate but no nothing. The month I had my 21 day bloods I had a normal period which only happens once in a blue moon they are normally 35-51 days! :( no predicting one month to the next! So I'm just trying to help myself now! I never wanted a hog ages gap between children but it seems that's what's going to happen!
Can't help with the dosages but just wanted to echo what the others have said about your GP. I may be wrong but I always understood that you'd be entitled to investigations but not treatment if you already have a child?

I have hit a wall myself lately so I know how tough it is emotionally and I'm currently in the process of dragging myself back out of that hole again. I think one of the most important things I've learned from my own experience as well as the ladies on here is not to be afraid to speak up if you're not happy. Although I'm certainly not shy, I'm definitely not pushy but I'm really having to learn a thing or two!!

Good luck with everything.
Can't help with the dosages but just wanted to echo what the others have said about your GP. I may be wrong but I always understood that you'd be entitled to investigations but not treatment if you already have a child?

I have hit a wall myself lately so I know how tough it is emotionally and I'm currently in the process of dragging myself back out of that hole again. I think one of the most important things I've learned from my own experience as well as the ladies on here is not to be afraid to speak up if you're not happy. Although I'm certainly not shy, I'm definitely not pushy but I'm really having to learn a thing or two!!

Good luck with everything.

Thanks for the support girls! It's so difficult not being able to speak my mind and talk about how shit I feel when my period comes! I just cry in the shower! And then my daughter asks for a sibling it's just awful the feeling of letting everyone down :( never mind onwards and upwards soy WILL work positive vibes! For all of us x x
Can't help with the dosages but just wanted to echo what the others have said about your GP. I may be wrong but I always understood that you'd be entitled to investigations but not treatment if you already have a child?

I have hit a wall myself lately so I know how tough it is emotionally and I'm currently in the process of dragging myself back out of that hole again. I think one of the most important things I've learned from my own experience as well as the ladies on here is not to be afraid to speak up if you're not happy. Although I'm certainly not shy, I'm definitely not pushy but I'm really having to learn a thing or two!!

Good luck with everything.

Thanks for the support girls! It's so difficult not being able to speak my mind and talk about how shit I feel when my period comes! I just cry in the shower! And then my daughter asks for a sibling it's just awful the feeling of letting everyone down :( never mind onwards and upwards soy WILL work positive vibes! For all of us x x

I'm so sorry :( hugggs!!

You can always come on here and say how you are feeling and anything that is on your mind- don't hesitate! xxx
I took soy and got pregnant first cycle with it but ended in a chemical, the next month I conceived twins but had a Mc in Nov but by Xmas in was pregnant with this one!! I love soy.

I used asda owns soy from cycle day 3 -7 (don't start after cd 5)
I did 2 pills to start then cd 5 I took 3 pills till the end.

Here is a link which has all info for you

I would start with 100mg soy, either days 3-7 or 2-6. I would then do opks and temp to see if you ovulate, if not then next cycle try 150mg.

I don't recommend soy if you have regular cycles as it can interfere with them.

I did soy with no joy but when I had clomid I needed a higher equivalent dose to ovulate so it could just be that I wasn't taking enough.

You should start on the lowest possible dose and do no more than 6 cycles in a row, then take a break from it.

Hope that helps.

With regard to your gp why won't they do tests if you have been ttc for 3 years already? I would push harder for testing or change gps.
Thanks all for the advise!!! I'll be starting tomorrow CD3-7 I'm excited :)

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