Sore throat


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2018
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So I woke up yesterday morning with a sore throat, went away, didn’t think anything of it. Felt fine yesterday, yes I was hot, it was a warm day. Yes, I was tired, I’m pregnant.

Woken up in middle of night for usual toilet trip. Sore throat again! Now I’m freaking out, I’ve been awake ever since, googling all sorts! Getting myself into a bit of a state with all this virus going around. Usual circumstances I wouldn’t have even given it a second thought. I know main symptoms are fever and cough but sore throat is on the list too. Feeling so upset :(
It’s very normal to have a sore throat in pregnancy. I wake up every morning with a sore throat.
If you have been isolating and social distancing then please don’t worry to much
It’s very normal to have a sore throat in pregnancy. I wake up every morning with a sore throat.
If you have been isolating and social distancing then please don’t worry to much

Thank you, I knew one of you ladies would talk some sense x
Yeah, like Char says, I often feel like I'm coming down with something then don't. Must be a pregnancy thing? If you've been doing all the right things your risk of catching covid is really low. Don't stress xx
Just echoing what the other ladies have said. Every morning I have a headache and blocked nose and feel like crap! But as soon as I'm up and about it goes away. Think you just get dehydrated during the night and it probably also depends on how you've slept too. Your risk of catching covid is probably really slim. Try and relax and get some fresh air if you can x
Thank you everyone <3 I knew you’d all make me feel better, thank goodness I’ve got you all x
Might be interesting to get a thermometer with a barometer just to check the humidity in your room. Our new house is very dry at the moment. I have dry lips and a dry/sore throat every morning due to that.x
I’ve been waking up nearly every morning with a sore throat because I’ve had a bit of nasal congestion on a night and apparently from the 2nd trimester onwards I’ve been snoring like a trooper according to my other half! You’ve probably just been catching flies in your sleep!

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