somethings not right


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2007
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was feelin a bit sick at hosp this morning but thought it was cos i miss breakfast.. (they serve brekkie at 8am :shock: who in there right mind is up at that tym :rotfl: ) well anyways jst been sick and my nose is bleeding aswell feel propa tired jst had a ham sandwich to fill my stomach a bit to see if it was the fact that i aint eaten much so am guna have a lie down now see wats good wen i wake up but i just dont feel right :? :?
:hug: :hug: If it makes you feel any better I've just spent the last half hour being sick too :( I have heard that nose bleeds in pregnancy are caused by hormonal changes. You may have burst a vessel in your nose when you were being sick...retching always makes my nose and eyes run. I think follow your intuition, if you're not feeling right then speak to the Dr. Hope you feel better soon :hug:
i get nose bleeds too hun but not happened in a while. hope you feel better soon x
Just be careful it isn't your BP rising though Tegala. Might be better to get it checked out just incase? Is everything else ok?
i am so lazy im sending sum1 out to buy me a bp machiene 2moz (u can buy them from the chemist cant u) lol well just woke up deff feel a bit better but heartburn has come home lool n bit of a hashy head but thats from sleeping to much to i dont worry bout that lool
Poor you Tegala!!

One word of warning. If you do buy a BP monitor, use it once every few days. Don't keep doing it. There is an actual condition called white coat syndrome where peoples blood pressure and heart rate increase in the presence of doctors etc....the same can happen with a home BP meter. You can put your BP up by getting worked up about it and it then just turns into a vicious circle!

If you tell your midwife about having one then prepare for a lecture.....I got one for having one of my colleauges (paramedic) take my BP!!!!

It went along the lines of "Only your MW, OB or GP should check your BP, you'll wind yourself up"

Eh hello!?!? I felt ill and got my BP was 290/105.....hence the reason I was sitting in front of the MW telling her I had high BP!!!!! :roll:

Hope you feel better soon.....and be carefull, nose bleeds can be a sign of high BP so get your MW to check you!


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