Something Stuck in my Throat


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2009
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I've had it about 3-4 days now and it wont go :cry:

It's not painful but it's really annoying!!

I can constantly feel it and no amount of swallowing with get rid of it. I even resorted to making myself sick last night to try and shift it!

If I try and cough it up :sick: I can feel it moving but nothing comes out!

Any suggestions? Gonna make an appointment at the docs I think x
I get this alllllll the time. It started just before I got pregnant and before I found out I was pregnant I worked out from google (doctors were no help because they couldn't see anything there) that it is a form of reflux. I ended up on ranitidine, which turns out I'm allergic to!

After having Oscar it stopped altogether, then I started taking folic acid again and it came back and if I stop it goes, so think I am intolerant to folic acid which is a bit worrying seeing as we want another baby. But this time I have not taken folic acid for over a week and it's come back so god knows what is causing it but it's so annoying.

If I lay down it goes away, and it's never there first thing in the morning. My OH thinks it comes on due to anxiety now but I don't know!

but yeah, if it sounds like what I have and it's so annoying, if you eat there's no blockage etc, just feels like somethings there but there isn't, then yeah it's a form of reflux without heartburn. Could be gerd or eosophgitis (sp?), or it could be an intolerance to something but you can get meds for it, gp can help. I can't take anything coz I'm allergic to it all lol

I've a gp appointment on Mon.

I've had mega bad heartburn the last week so could be related? Oh looked and can't see anything.

Its driving me up the wall!!!

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When it first started I used to spend ages in front of the mirror with a torch, holding my tongue down to have a look lol Never anything there and it moves around a bit, the sensation.

It's so annoying coz you keep trying to swallow to get rid of it and it just makes it worse, or try to cough something up and end up hurting ya throat.

I'm so used to it now. I think it's come back these last few days because Oscar punched me right in the throat a couple of times, so think it's set it off. It's so mild atm but still annoying me!
Yeah, I can't see anything either. Its mega annoying!!

I read somewhere else that they can be stress related. We'll see what doc says tomorrow

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Went to GP today and i'm booked in for some bloods on thurs :(

She thinks it might have something to do with my thyroid - she could feel a lump in my throat x
Oh no!! That happened to a woman I worked with. Her lumpy throat started when mine did and hers turned out to be thyroid and mine reflux but the symtpoms were so similar.

Hope they get you the results fast hun xxx
there is something called 'globus sensation' its not dangerous, but annoying! Its caused by one of the muscles in your throat being too tense. Common causes; heartburn and high stress, can safely say you fit both of those!! Its the same muscle as when you feel a 'lump in your throat' when youre trying not to cry.
Went to GP today and i'm booked in for some bloods on thurs :(

She thinks it might have something to do with my thyroid - she could feel a lump in my throat x

must read to end of threads :blush:

hope your bloods come back okay!
Lol! I've read about lumps due to stress and anxiety - explained to doc but she still wants bloods doing to see if everything's ok.

I'm not worrying. On the other hand i've got to go back to the breast clinic to have an ultrasound on a lump I found days after having evelyn. I was told its benign but its solid :-S

They wanted me to go back after I stopped BF.

I'll keep you posted x

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