Soft spot - help


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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Can anyone help?

I stroke the top of her head everyday, and her soft spot has always been levelish.

I have just stroked her head and her soft spot has suncken in slightly, what does that mean?

is that anything to be worried about ?
Harleys has always been slightly in.

but im not sure as you said its not usually???

when Harley has been poorly to doc rubbed his soft spot i asked why he said because if its sucked it alot it can be a sign of dehidration.

im not to sre though as Harley has always dipped in so did diors
hope sticks out a bit:( wish i cud help you more
Thank you for replying so quick Dionne.

When i have stroked her head its not been so noticble, but it is now, its abit more dipped than normal :think:

She doesnt seem unlike herself, ill keep an eye on her.
just read this

What is the soft spot?
The soft spot is a diamond-shaped area on the top of the head in newborns. This area is also called the anterior fontanel. The soft spot is located where 2 growth lines (suture lines) for the skull cross. Babies have a soft spot to allow the bone of the skull to expand as the brain grows rapidly. The soft spot normally becomes larger over the first 2 or 3 months of life and then gradually closes. It normally looks flat or slightly depressed. The soft spot should not look full or bulging. If it is bulging, it means that the brain is under some pressure and your child needs to be seen by your health care provider

i think i go it wrong and he doc was looking to see if it was out. but by reading tha it seems that over the forst 2/3 months of life it gets bigger so i dont think its any thing to wrry about

littlelady- her soft spot shouldnt be raised :?
ah ok thanks for the reassurance Dionne :D

LittleLady have you mentioned this to your Doc or HV ?
i no these sound worrying but am just quoting what i am finding on the net.

A sunken fontanelle can be a sign of serious dehydration in a child known to be ill with fever, vomitng and diarrhea - gastroenteritis. Sunken eyes, dry mouth, and decreased or absent tears would likewise be noticible.
A bulging fontanelle could be benign intracranial hypertension (pseudotumor cerebri) or a sign of meningitis.

but if she dont seem unwell then a sunken softspont seems normal
She seems her normal self, but if she does seem unwell then ill ring the HV, thanks Dionne
i am really worried bout hope, she has still got her cough and ppl keep telling me it shud have gotten better by now, i am SH**ing myself:(
:hug: Awww hunny if your realy worried please go see your doc or give your Hv a ring in the morning, They are there to ease your mind and help, please dont leave it you will only get worse and more worried :hug:
i have already spoke to doc\s and they dont think she is that unwell x
follow ur instinct if you think that there is something wrong take Hope to the hospital to get her looked at,

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