Socks. Urghhhh!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2005
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Does anyone else find it almost impossible to find baby socks that actually stay on their feet?

I've searched and tried all types.

Only ones that stay on Phoebe's feet are in Tesco. £1.75 for 2 pairs. But they rarely have the girls ones in :x
Ive still got zack old socks we bought from asda, but thats going back 3 years now :? They are perfect, have loads of elastic in.

Have you tired having a look on ebay?? (sorry ebay queen here) lol
Tesco's are the only ones that I found too!! And I agree they never have girls ones in so I bought the boys ones for Rubie :shock:
Me too Kim!!

My Tesco finally got some girls ones in last week so I brought 11 pairs!!

She will still wear the boys ones though :)
yes, bit more expensive but Gap socks do. They have non slip soles too which is a plus for when babies are more active!
the best fitting ones i have are his jasper conran socks, you get them in debenhams and they stay on a treat and are nice and thick too :)
Damien's don't stay on his feet, thetop elastic slides down to his ankles, but you know that already :lol: Tesco socks are too tight round his fat calves :lol:
I use Next socks and they seem ok, until he starts to grow out of them then they come off.

But I can imagen that cos Ellis is not as active as he will be xxx
Because Naomi is such a little busybody - always moving, I am more than surprised that until now her socks (Dunnes stores or tesco) stay on. However we've recently invented a new game called Pull Off My Socks And Chew Them Before Throwing Them Away....It's great fun. Only trouble is, she tries to pull everything off, even tights and babygrows. And in the most inopportune places too...I've a drawer full of odd baby socks because she keeps throwing them away in the supermarket...

Ah well... :wall:

Izzy5400 said:
yes, bit more expensive but Gap socks do. They have non slip soles too which is a plus for when babies are more active!

with you there hun, my sister, sil and i all swear by them!

sadly no cure as yet for babies pulling socks off sue - thought shows would help but alex removes them first before moving onto socks! not lost nay yet though (touch wood!)


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