So upset angry and worried .


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2010
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So I told my closest friend that I'm pregnant I've not even told my mum yet , I just wanted to tell someone :wall2:. anyway she spent the next hour telling me anout missed missed carriges and has me half convinced its possible as im not too symptomatic . I want really too worried until now but Im up the wall with concern . I know I have a scan in a little over a week and there is no way I will know until then .. but why would she do that ? She wanted to bring over her doppler and I said no way as its too early and I'll only spook myself ... grr sorry ladies i'm just ranting really
Wow, some friend! Dont listen to her, is there a chance she could be jealous for some reason? You will be fine! Not long till you can slap your scan pic in her face!
Hmm I am not suprised you are very anxious now! I am sure that is not the kind of 'support' you were hoping for in sharing your special news! :mad:
While yes it is possible it is not likely and the likely hood is all is fine and well with bean and you will be able to show her a pic of your little bean after your scan in a week!
I cant wait , I just pretended not to be bothered by her until she left . Then cried a lot ...:roll: It could well be a jealousy thing , she's single and makes snide comments about my OH too . Its just so dug into my head now and I was starting to feel so much better :shakehead:
Screw her! :mad:
It does sound like jelously!
I would kindly avoid her if she is going to be like that! You dont need people like that in your life especially now that you have a little bean growing inside you as well!
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:shock: Why would she say all that?! I had almost no symptoms with Sam...and the easiest pregnancy ever - some people just don't get many. Obviously there's a slight chance for all of us that things won't be perfect but if you've had no problems so far it's unlikely...hard not to worry though, I know. I'd have told her exactly how she made you feel!! :hug: x
Well she doesnt seem like a very nice friend hun!Definately sounds very much like a jeleousy thing to me!Take no notice of her, your scan is coming up soon which will hopefully put your mind at rest when youve seen your little one there on the screen. Try not to worry too much, put your feet up and relax xxx
As soon as my OH gets home I'm off for a nice long soak , i think i'll send her a text ant tell her she's really hurt me
I'm so sorry to hear about your friends reaction, that is awfuln you are so close to your 13th week now hun, just relax and take good care of yourself and your scan day will be here in no time. If you really are very very worried maybe you could look into paying for an earlier scan to ease your mind? Xxx-
Tell her to stuff herself! Don't worry about no symptoms, I have none lol, had none from 7 weeks pregnant. If it wasnt for the scans and now the fact I have a bump and can feel little one moving, I wouldn't know I was pregnant.
I always used to laugh at these women who say they didn't know they were pregnant til they went into labour, but tbh if it wasn't for the scans I wouldn't know, the movement I feel Id prob but down to wind :lol:
I completely sympathise with your situation. My words will only echo what all the wonderful ladies have said thus far.

This is your special moment, you have a baby growing inside of you. Don't allow others to take this moment of happiness away. We can all work ourselves up (trust me, if they tested on this I would finally be an A++ student!) and convince ourselves something is wrong. Listen to your body. If everything was great before hand I am sure it is now to.

As for the person you confided in, it is times like these we realise who is truly a friend. A quote I live by - a true friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world has walked out.

Hugs and keep strong!
shes prob just told you about something with out thinking to much into it

as for the doppler i heard baby at 8 weeks so defo give it a go

also with my son i didnt have any symptoms
Been thinking about say shes your best friend so no point falling out over it, life is too short for all that. She is obviously jealous but thats her problem, not yours. Do tell her how she made you feel......she will probably be ashamed she made you feel that way. Get together again and just tell her how pleased, happy and excited you are! Ask for the may be Lucky now finding the heartbeat but maybe too early so no worries if you dont. I presume she has a child herself? Confide in her, remind her how scary tri 1 is and that your hormones are everywhere. Tell her not to be so negative and you need her support! Did she know you were TTC? May have just been a shock - we are all bad for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time sometimes - give her another chance but dont take any shit.....
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What an idiot! A doppler.. Lol she knows rightly nothing can be heard yet and wants to upset you.

It's the new year, get rid of people that don't make you feel good! X
She's a tit, ignore her. I had this from ppl n spent the first 12 weeks worried n convinced something had happened to my baby n the first thing I asked the sonographer was "is it alive?". You'll find as you go through your preg ppl say some awful things. Each preg is diff, try not to worry it does you and your baby no good. Just stay clear of ppl like that, you soon find out who your true friends are xxxx Good luck at your 12 week scan and enjoy it xx
I just calmy told her that I didnt think she realised how much she hurt me she said she was so sorry but thinks I should be prepared ... I'm just letting it go over my head life really is too short . :) in a weeks time I'll have a lovely scan picture to wave in her face and in the mean time I'm just going to worry about getting over this cold . Thank you all for your really kind responses
Mm what a helpful friend!! Symtons are so varient, you cannot know where things are. If there is no blood, then I wouldn't worry. Sounds like she is a bit jealous. Enjoy being pregnant and if your not far from a scan you will know soon how things are. try not to let her bother you, she is being insensitive xx
Her own insecurities are obviously make an appearance in response to the happiness in your life; your baby, your other half. Feel sorry for her, she obviously needs help xx

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