so tempted somebody stop me

I know it is soooo tempting ive not got anything yet dont think i will buy until i get my BFP even then i will probs be too scared to get anything till 12 week scan :lol: try and hold out chellie boo YOU CAN DO IT :rotfl:
It's cute. Abit dark for my liking though.

When I got my BFP last time I went out the next day and I bought a set of 3 sleepsuits and 2 hats that match. They are still here and waiting, dont long how long they will be waiting for though. I was very tempted to buy things in the sales. I dont see any harm in buying things really, they will be used eventually. Some people might find it comforting buying baby things. It's upto you hun, I would talk to oh first, for him, having baby things around the house might make him feel, uncomfortable, under pressure or he might find it more upsetting when you get af/bfn etc. You are both in this together.
Well the crib is now out of my price range seeing as it'll only be used for a couple of months.

I talked to DH last night...he said I'm allowed to look but not buy....bah!
Maybe if it was something smaller, you could buy it and hide it hehe.
trust me i am tempted and if i see some baby clothes or nursery stuff that i love and is a bargain i probably would.

DH says the only reason i'm not allowed to buy is in case it upsets me, so as long as i don't go crazy or spend to much i think it'll be ok.

and lets face it at the end of the day we'll either get pregnant at some point, or we can give stuff to friends/family or just sell it its an investment really....just spreading the cost while we have the money available.. :D
I'm constantly looking at baby stuff, I have everything planned in my head although I do change my mind alot when I see something better, so maybe its for the better that I don't buy anything.

DH would go mad if i bought anything!!!

Hope you get that BFP soon, and you can shop as much as you want. :hug:

I'd say its worth a bid though, it would be a great bargin.
Buy and stash hun... I know how tempting it is and i have been ttc for 12months nearly.... !
well i've gone and done it...I've bid on a nursery set......
Thanks good. I have some cash waiting to clear on ebay and then i might be tempted too

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